Chapter Thirty

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When it was after lunch and y/n still hadn't come back, I went looking for her. 

"Y/n?" I called, but was met with no response. 

What the fuck,  I thought to myself as I continued through the hallways. Then, I heard someone scream. It sounded like Wendy. 

I ran to where the scream had come from, -the girl's bathroom- and went inside without hesitation. I knew before I even stepped in that something was wrong. 

Wendy turned around to face me as she heard the door open. 

"Kenny!" She said. "We need an ambulance". 

She was kneeled on the floor over y/n. As I got my first glance of her, I saw the blood spilling out of her head. Upon seeing her, I noticed that Wendy had taken off her jacket and put it under her head. 

I kneeled against her, and took her hand. "Call 911 Wendy!" I yelled. 

Getting a closer look at y/n, I saw her hands were bruised, as if she had been punching. Very carefully, I lifted up her shirt to see the side of her ribs were bruised and bloodied. 

"It's going to be okay." I whispered to her. 

I then heard Wendy on the phone, explaining the situation to the operator. 

As that happened, Stan came in. 

"Stan!" I said, but his gasp was louder than my voice could've been. 

"What the hell happened dude?" He asked. 

"We don't know yet. Where's Kyle?" 

"I don't know, I was looking for him when I heard Wendy yell, then I came here." 

Ignoring his response, I continued to tend to y/n as much as I could. Where was Kyle? 

As we waited for the paramedics to arrive, Stan was getting antsy about not being able to find Kyle. 

"I hope he's okay." Said Wendy. She was nervously playing with her beret now. 

Shortly after, the paramedics arrived, taking us to the hospital.

Shortly after arriving, we were forced to stay in the waiting room while y/n was taken to be treated. 

I walked away to use the nearest phone and call my mom. 

"Mom? It's Kenny." 

"Kenny, baby, where are you?" 

"I'm at the hospital. Y/n got badly hurt." 

"What? Is she okay?" 

"I don't know yet, the doctors are taking a look at her. I'm here with Stan and Wendy." 

"Oh baby, don't you worry. I'll be right down there with your little sister." 

"Okay." I replied, telling her exactly where in the hospital we were. 

As I walked back to the waiting room, I noticed that Butters had arrived as well. 

He had presumably just arrived, because Stan asked him what he was doing here before I could. 

"Well, haven't you heard what happened?" He said, his voice uncertain.

"I came for Kyle". 

Now, we were walking down the hall with Butters to Kyle's room. He had similar injuries to y/n, except his ribs were not just bruised, they were broken. 

How could this be possible? Y/n, my girl, the first girl to show me what love really is, and one of my best friends, both hurt in the same day. I couldn't save either one of them. 

Kyle was fully asleep in his hospital bed. I couldn't tell if it was because of drugs that had given him, or if he had just been hurt that bad. Either way I didn't want to know. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Broflovski are on the way." Butters explained. 

"Mine too." I replied, looking over to see Stan's eyes welling up with tears. 

"Why yours?" Butters asked. 

Then I realized we hadn't yet told him about y/n. I explained everything to him. He simply looked down and gave a slow shake of the head, his eyes contained I sadness I had never seen. 

Stan had to leave the room. Wendy went after him. I went back to the front desk to find out any info about y/n. 

Finally, they let me into her room. 

I sat beside her, and held her hand. Like Kyle, she was asleep. 

I took my hood down and let myself cry, since no one else was here with her. I was only thinking of how much pain she must be in right now. I was thinking about how she must have felt when this happened to her. 

After 20 minutes, my mom came in with Karen, who ran to hug me. Karen, who was so little but still understood what was happening. 

She got up, gave a kiss to y/n's hand that I was holding,  and then came right back to me. 

We remained there for about 3 hours. I kept switching between the two rooms, checking on my girl and then on Kyle. 

Night eventually fell, and my mom and Karen went home. It was hard to get Karen out of here, as she was crying and didn't want to leave y/n's side. I told her I would be here with her all night, which somewhat calmed her down. 

Around two hours after that, y/n began to open her eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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