Chapter Fourteen

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For a second, he was shocked. He tensed up as I leaned in towards him. Then, when our lips met, he became relaxed.

I felt as his hands moved from my waist to my back, where he would pull me closer to him again so our bodies were as close as they could be.

He pulled away from our kiss and leaned his head onto mine.

I didn't want to let go and neither did he.

Still, I realized that our friends would probably be looking for us.

"Do you want to go inside?" He asked.

"I could always just tell Clyde that I don't want to be here with anyone." I say.

"Yeah do that."

I begin to walk away back inside, but before I do I kiss Kenny once more, with more intensity this time.

"Calm down." He jokes. "You'll kill me."

We walk back inside this time, forgetting that Kenny should go in first.

We make our way to the middle of the party when I hear Wendy call me.

"Where have you been y/n?" Wendy asks.

"Yeah where have you two been?" Stan emphasizes.

"Just over there." I point to the front of the room, hoping no one saw us go outside.

Wendy grows suspicious. "Okay." She says, her voice trailing off.

Clyde comes to me and proceeds to also ask me where I've been, hesitating to ask me any further questions when Kenny was standing right beside me.

"Look Clyde, I really wasn't planning on coming with anyone tonight. I'm sorry, but I just don't want to be on a date like this." I say, much to Wendy's surprise.

He looks at me, and then back at Kenny. "Yeah, alright." He says, walking away. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Y/n! Why?" Wendy asks. I shrug.

"I know you were trying to be sweet Wendy but I really don't want this."

She sighs, seemingly unbothered. "Okay, no problem." She says.

In the corner of my eye and in an attempt to change the subject, I see Kyle with his arm around Heidi.

"What's that about?" I ask.

"They've liked each other since forever." Kenny says.

"Yeah they just won't admit it." Adds Stan.

"It seems like they're admitting it a little bit." I say.

We watch as Kyle says something to Heidi, but because of the music we can't hear. Then, he opens his arms to embrace her and without a second thought, she goes into his arms.

"Woah." Wendy says.

"I'm gonna go fuck around with him." Kenny says, laughing to himself. He walks behind Kyle so only Heidi can see him, and then scares Kyle by putting his hands around his neck, causing Kyle to gasp and turn around in a hurry.

"Fuck you!" Kyle yells as he pretends he's going to beat up Kenny.

Then, Clyde comes back to me. "Y/n, you're really beautiful. Don't you want to see where this goes?" He asks, and I realized he was drunk.

"No. I don't."

"Come on." He places one hand on my shoulder, and attempts to pull me close to him and nuzzle his face into my neck.

"No Clyde!" I say, beginning to push him off of me. He can barely even stand up straight. He continues to try to get close to me.

Now Wendy pushes him. "What the fuck, stop." She says.

Kenny hears this. He comes back around with Kyle and they make their way between Clyde and I. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?" Kyle asks.

"Having some fun." Replies a drunken Clyde.

Kenny grabs Clyde by his shirt, nearly lifting him off the ground. "I'll fucking kill you." He says, with Kyle backing him.

Clyde gasps. "Okay, okay." He cries. "I'm sorry."

Kenny lets go.

"Are you okay y/n?"

I nod. I was shaken up, but I was okay. Kyle goes to talk to Clyde and Wendy and Stan follow.

Quickly, Kenny whispers in my ear. "Let's get out of here."

I feel a smile creep onto my face. "And go where?"

"Where ever you want." He replies.

We sneak out the same way we came in.

It was decently late already, and I knew my parents would likely be asleep already. "Do you want to go to my place?" I ask

Kenny takes my hand. "Let's go."


Once we get to my room, he asks if he can stay the night like he did the first time.

I tell him yes of course.

Because my parents are home this time, I can't ask him to go in the hallway while I get dressed. I'll keep the door locked the whole night, just in case.

"Turn around." I say, while I change into my pajamas. He does, and I face him as I change clothes, making sure he doesn't see.

We repeat our same routine and get in my bed under the blankets.

We lay there again, and I have my head on his chest as he holds me.

I turned onto my side with my back to him. Now, I felt his chest pressed against my back. He began to softly kiss my neck.

I sighed softly, feeling myself smile.

I turned to face him. "Goodnight Kenny." I said, showing that this would be going nowhere.

He just smiled and kissed me again.

"Goodnight love."

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