Chapter Twenty-four

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*Y/n's POV* 

The night of Kenny and I's date, I decided to finally tell my mom I had a boyfriend. I decided to tell her first so I could see what she would think of me telling my dad.

I walked downstairs, already ready. 

"Mom, I have to tell you something." I could feel the smile on my face and the redness of my cheeks. I knew I would be a little embarassed telling her, but regardless, I still wanted to. 

Despite my smiling, my mom looked worried. I put out my hands, gesturing for her to be calm. 

"I have a boyfriend." I said. 

She smiled tenderly. "That boy who always wears the orange hoodie, right?" She asked. 

I tilt my head. "Mom! How did you know?" I ask. 

She patted the couch beside her, signaling for me to sit down. "Sweetie, I have never seen you smile so much. You're always with that boy -his name is Kenny, right?- You really do seem happy." 

As I sat down beside her, she then leaned to whisper in my ear. "Sheila Broflovski and I go to the same hair salon. Sharon Marsh too. Those boys really love you y/n." She said. "Took you long enough to tell me." 

"Should I tell dad?" I asked. 

She looked at me again, lovingly. "He already knows sweetheart. This town talks." 

I slouched into the couch. At least now I didn't have to actually use my words to tell my dad. Still, I was curious about one thing. 

"He's okay with it?" I asked. 

My mother paused for a second, thinking. Then, she smiled. She was so radiant. I wish I could be like her when I grow up. "Your father is very fond of Kenny." She said. 

I was only curious as to what my father knew about him, but I couldn't ask any more questions , because Kenny was knocking on the door. 

My mom tilted her head signaling me to the door. "Bring him inside for a second." She said as I opened it. Kenny was there, holding a bouquet of flowers. "For you." He said. I took them and hugged him. He was wearing some cologne that I have no idea where he would've gotten it from. 

"Do you want to come inside? My mom wants to meet you." I told him. His cheeks turn a shade of pink. "Sure." He said anyway. 

"Hi Mrs. y/l/n." He said, giving her his hand to shake. "I'm Kenny." 

"Hi Kenny. Please, call me y/m/n." She smiled as he nodded. "So, where are you two going tonight?" She asked. 

I looked at him with curiousity. He simply smiled. "We're gonna go out to eat." 

"Well, have a great time you two." She replied. 

We told her thank you and headed out the door. 

Kenny took me to Buca De Faggoncini, an Italian restaurant in the north of town. Inside was dimly lit and there were candles on each table. There was also some live music being played. 

We already had reservations, so it didn't take long to sit. We ordered our food, listened to music and ate and talked. I was having an amazing time with him. He looked at me in a way no one ever had before; with hope. 

As we were eating and our topic of conversation died down, Kenny took my hand from across the table. 

"You know, I actually have something for you." He said, his eyes glimmering. 

"What is it?" I asked.

He then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small box. "Open it." He said, delicately placing it in my hand. 

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