Part 1

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Jensen POV

Their flight had arrived four hours late, due to an engine malfunction, which caused them to have to land at some Podunk town airport, more like strip and then rent what looked like a reject relic from Amelia Earhart days to get to Texas. But they were finally pulling into Jensen's drive way, sadly their luggage wasn't as lucky.

Letting that be the morning's  problem - well later on that's morning problem, they climbed into bed, barely having the energy to shower and wish goodnight.

The alarm going off way to early, found them waking up   way to early to be functional.

"Fucking fuck off" Jensen shouted at the offending phone alarm , as he slammed down on the snooze button.

"Sshh not so loud." Angelina  mumbled into the pillow only to jerk awake when the alarm on her phone went off.

"Okay okay , fucking hell I am up. "Jensen said , moving to switch off her alarm." You go back to sleep Sweetheart, I'll go get the coffee on."

"Mmh" was the only answer he got.

Making his way downstairs, he started the machine, being grateful he still had coffee. He would have to place an order for delivery of groceries. Or maybe after the Sports day and Angelina's interview try could go to the shops.

'Fuck!' Jensen thought. ' Its Angelina's interview today and she was going go and meet the labour and discuss her case. Shit She is going to stress out more now as she didn't have her luggage.

Grabbing his phone from the counter, he click on Daneel's  contact and began to type:

Hey. We had a bit of an adventure last night but our luggage didn't arrive. Do you maybe have any of your pregnancy clothes from the twins packed away somewhere, that A could borrow? I would offer to take her to the shops but she hates it when I spend money on her🙈.            -J

Morning. Shit well glad you all okay. I think I donated all of that stuff. Busy with the kids now though. What size is she?                      -D

I don't know ,isn't it like rude to ask?              -J

Damn you are an idiot! Just go look in the clothes she wore then message me the size. Also you can be a good boyfriend and put the travelling clothes into the wash so long. That way she can dry it and wear the clothes again today so she can go shopping for more.  -D

Okay, great idea, maybe she can wear her jeans and one of my shirts so long. Thanks.  -J

Jensen snuck back into the room, grabbed his and her clothes and hen went down to the wash room to put on a load. He would get Kiara later on when she was awake. Now that he thought about it , he better go and get dressed. He didn't want to run into Kiara in just his boxers.
Trying to be a quiet as possible he got out his clothes, put a pile of options together for Angelina and Kiara and quickly got dressed.

Checking the tim he went back downstairs, made two to go cups- one fir Angelina and one for himself, he grabbed her one,a notepad and pen out the  junk drawer and quickly scribbled a note. Once done he made his way back to bedroom and left to coffee cup and note on the bedside table. After setting an alarm for her, he placed her phone nearby and then kissed her forehead goodbye.

Angelina POV

Turning while stretching her body awake, Angelina slowly opened her eyes. Confused at first over where she was, she snuggled back into her pillow, comforted when she realised she was in Jensen's bedroom. The tranquility was ruined by her alarm going off. Stretching over to grab the phone, she noticed the cup and the note.

Morning Darling.

Sorry I had to leave you in bed by yourself, but duties  call. Hope the coffee is still warm and that I made it right. I have your clothes from last night in the washer. Machine will beep when it's done. Just need to put it in the dryer when you are up. I've put out some options for your meetings. Thought your Jeans and a nice shirt? Put a pile out for Kiara as well - oh didn't wash her clothes as didn't want to be a pervy older man going into a young ladies room to grab clothes.(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠). I will chat to you later to wish you all the best. I will message Gino to let him know about luggage and will phone airport when I'm in the car.

Love you

' Fuck, could this man get anymore perfect?' She thought while dipping on the perfectly made coffee "Shit the meetings!" Angelina said out loud, and then scrambled to get out of bed. 'Thank goodness Jensen said to carry the labour papers in her carry on.' She thought.

"Argh "She said catching a glimpse of her hair in the mirror. ' Thank goodness I keep my hairbrush and some make up in my carry on as well.

Staring at the crutches , leaning up against the wall, she thought, 'Fuck it!' ,and decided to just leave them there. She put on Jensen's robe and then hobbled her way to the bathroom to start damage control.

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