Part 5

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Angelina POV

The surprise had gone as expected, with Jensen walking into the Taproom,grumbling quite loudly over having to carry the cakes, only to be silenced by the shout of Surprise!

Angelina made her way to the back to sort out and finish the icing of the cupcakes. She had learnt from experience to rather ice at the event then travel with a fully decorated cake. Something was bound to happen. More often it was the buttercream melting in the heat, as she sat in traffic.

"Hey there you are." Jensen said, finally finding her hideout.

"Hey, you feeling shitty yet about all the moans  and groans?"

" Yeah, shit , sorry. Bet you were laughing at me the whole day. Have to hand it to Dee, she even got me to out up my own birthday banner."

"Yeah, she is something else. A good else. Shit that still sounding wrong but you know what I mean right?"

" Yeah I know. So how much are longer are you planning to hide out in here?"

"I'm not hiding. I'm just want to finish these and then I can clean up and go out there."

Jensen just looked at her and cocked his eyebrow.

"Fine. I'm hiding out okay. Are you happy now?"

"It's just all a bit daunting okay." She continued, "Did you see what all Daneel arranged? And all I did was make some cake. I need to make sure that they are iced to perfection, or at least as perfect that I can get them. I feel like Baby in Dirty Dancing, where everyine is going look at what all Daneel did and all I can say is , 'I carried a watermelon!"

"You are so strange. And before you argue, I love your strange. Angelina, come here"

"Careful I am full of icing, the bag broke when I squeezed it too hard."

"Okay I will be careful. I know you are panicking right now, but I promise you, you only person comparing you and Dee is you."

"No, half the fandom enjoy it too."

" You are still reading the comments aren't you? Why?"

"Cause I'm a glutton for punishment okay. I know I shouldn't read it , but I do. But it doesn't matter, of course I am going to compare myself to Daneel. Fuck have you seen her? She's even more beautiful in real life than in photos. And she's got her shit together, which I obviously don't , as we then wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Can I ask you something and will you answer me honestly?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Do you accept that I love you?"

"Yes, but"

" No buts, do you accept that I love you , for YOU. Not for your sometimes obscure movie and song references, not for your incredible baking and cooking, not for the best sex I've had in my life. But that I love you."

Crying now, Angelina fought with the demons inside.

"I'm sorry I just don't understand why. Why you love me? I can't figure out why you want to be with me. I keep telling myself to just shut up and enjoy the ride, but I just keep  waiting for the other show to drop."

Jensen bent down to untie his shoe and then held it up in his right hand and dropped it.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Well the shoe dropped and nothing happened, I still love you so... Want me to do the other shoe too, just in case?"

"Fuck you! I don't want to laugh And you call me strange!."

Parental Embarrassment(Jensen Ackles)Where stories live. Discover now