𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓴[ᴋᴛʜ]

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It's been 3 hours since you and Taehyun last spoke. You didn't know what went wrong which turned a moment of your personal time to a time for you only. You both were talking about your old friends but slowly it turned to a conversation from recollecting memories of your old friends, to praising them to slowly criticising each other's friend.

Every critism followed a valid argument and that slowly led to him screaming,"I don't understand why you're defending him so much, it feels like if he and I were ever to meet and be in an argument you would take his side no matter what....I feel like I should have never confessed you then maybe you would have been talking about good memories with me to him."

That one line was enough to get you mad and guilty, you knew you loved your boyfriend more than you could ever imagine but his doubt that you would take someone else's side when you repeatedly have shown your eyes were only stuck on him hurted. "No.... that's not what I....YOU KNOW WHAT IF YOU'RE THAT JEALOUS IT FEELS LIKE YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR BEOMGYU, FINE THEN BREAK UP WITH ME AND GO TO HIM AND SORRY FOR BEING ON THE OTHER END OF YOUR CONFESSION...JUST WHATEVER I'M GOING TO SLEEP JUST GO AWAY " . You angrily stomped your way out of the living room and went to your room.

On your way to you room you heard taehyun whisper,"that's not what I meant -, can't you let me get jealous ??...", but he eventually screamed loud enough to make you hear ,"FINE.YOU KNOW WHAT MAYBE I WILL CONFESS HIM AND WHEN I DO I'LL INVITE YOU TO OUR WEDDING. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU JEALOUS."

He smirked at himself and again shouted,"Ok so I'll be going now...oh to you know meet my soulmate and I'm not returning without him ok? So don't wait for me to cuddle you back to sleep."You heard the door getting shut as he exited your home.

You didn't know exactly how to comprehend this situation to be exact but you did know you were not gonna go down with a good fight as you took out your phone and looked for that one contact....."Bbong".

Beomgyu's POV

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Beomgyu's POV

She literally texted me after ages and she still hasn't changed haha, but now let's get this show started shall- *ding dong*- OMG JUST LET ME HAVE MY SCREEN TIME DAMMIT.

I looked through the keyhole, and it took me less than a few seconds to recognise, of course those sharp features and doe eyes and those bice- FOCUS BEOMGYU. There's only one person fitting that definition...the victim of this prank.

I opened the door with the brightest smile plastered on my face ,"Hello boyfriend for today.". He smiled back at me ,"I see that she texted you too.", He replied. I sighed, shrugging and nodding my head. I mean please y/n's sweet but I can't ignore my cousin,not when this was the first time he asked me for a favour."What can I say two fools in love have the same mindsets."

He pretended to punch me but pulled me in a hug as he asked,"so shall we get started with the plan?". Of course it was gonna be so much fun. We purposefully wasted at least 2 hours at my house so that it wouldn't sound suspicious to suddenly visit her. Then as soon as the clock read 8, we knew it was showtime.

Y/n's POV

It was already 7:50 pm, there was no sight of taehyun... neither did beomgyu respond to my texts...what if the- no no NO I'M OVERTHINKING FOR MY OWN GOOD.  Just when I heard the door click open, I walked in pride as I said, "Oh did Beomgyu confess you already? Are you taken? Am I gonna be the god mot-".

My hands fell to my side as I saw them holding hands and sharing a scarf as they entered my house with a smile....no no no what-. Taehyun smiled at me and said,"You were right, it felt so right when he was on the other hand of the confession", he then showed them holding hands and said,"You are certainly welcome to our wedding."

I looked at Beomgyu mouthing him what was happening as he just spoke out loud like a fool, "Y/n I know that I was going to prank him but as fate would have it...I realised I loved him for a long time but as I saw you both being happy I thought not to interfere with anything,but when he said those three words to me.... I'm sorry y/n I don't think it's a joke anymore... he's the one for me."

You slapped your mouth not believing what just is happening in front of you as taehyun gave you a card as he whispered smirking at you ,"Told you I'll not be back without him...and yes you can very well be the god moth-".

He stopped as he saw tears running down my cheek, "N-no way this is real, if this is a dream stop it I can't let my Taehyun go like that, I'm sorry ok? But please don't leave me you're the only one I can rely on." I slowly tugged at taehyun's coat as I let my face rest on his shoulder. It's fine even if this is the last time at least let me remember this last interaction, I thought he was going to push me away and give me a smile and leave with beo-

"Pfft- hahahaha", I looked at Beomgyu with my confused yet mascara tainted face as he  took out his phone and took a picture of us as he yelled,"Wow you both are so in love it's unbelievable please-". You felt taehyun's breath hitching as well as you cupped his face and seeing him looking at you with tear droplets in his eyes as he said in his shaky voice ,"I'm sorry I wanted to prank you but your words hurt so much, of course I'm never gonna leave you so don't you dare think I'll leave you, I'm quite the difficult person to get rid of , if you're the white t- shirt I'm the red wine stain."

You wiped his tears and hid your face in his chest as he hugged you tightly. You then heard him speak, "not to ruin the moment but.... Beomgyu is my cousin.". You jumped out of his hold and glared at him and then back at Beomgyu,but before you could say anything he locked his lips with yours melting away your anger. He pointed at the card he gave you and you read it aloud, " Since Beomgyu can't be my husband I guess it's only you who could be my wife?".

You pushed him away and glared at him as you removed your slipp- it didn't take him long to realise what was going on as he readied himself to run away from your reach. On the way out he saw Beomgyu
casually leaning against the wall and dragged his hand and yelled , "SINCE WHEN DID YOU COME OUT??". "OH ever since I dunno you both became really lovey-dovey?". Taehyun sighed and yelled,"SHE READ THE CARD RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.". "DIDN'T YOU ASK HER FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE??? DID SHE REJECT YOU??".

"REJECTION IS THE LEAST OF MY WORRIES IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.". He pushed Beomgyu to run away as he switched his direction to run back to you and hold your hands and said ," don't you think it'd be more romantic when you hit me along with our kids when I don't I'm pretending to be a dinosaur or something? So before that, answer me , would you be the love of my life and be my wife and join my chase to beat the sh*t out of beomgyu for this horrendous prank?". You hit him on his shoulder blushing and said ,"I can beat the sh*t out of him without your help as well but oh well whatever makes it sound more romantic."

You both just went on the path Beomgyu ran but holding your hands and swaying it totally forgetting why you chose to walk that way.... meanwhile legends say Beomgyu is still running for his life...


𝚃𝚇𝚃 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 <3Where stories live. Discover now