<[Her past 1: Her birth ♡]>

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A long time ago, a new realm got created.


Ninjago was a realm created by the First Spinjitzu Master thanks to the power of the 4 golden weapons.

The realm of Ninjago was a realm where Light and Darkness fought endlessly over power and control.

Into the Light were the elemental Masters.
People capable of controling the elements of:
Earth, Thunder, Ice, Nature, Mind, Sound, Wind, Gravity, Amber, Poison, Metal, Shadow, Time, and so much more !

Those people were given their powers by the FSM himself before transmit it to their children and to their children for the several past years.

But let's talk about the curent elemental Master of Fire, Ray and Mistress of Water, Maya.

Both elemental Masters,
great friends of the brothers; Wu and Garmadon, the sons of the FSM.
And husband and wife.

They build their life together at the small village of Jamanakai where they were running a small blacksmithing shop
they named "Four Weapons".

Even though, they still kept fighting bad guys with their friends and save Ninjago multiple times.
Like in the serpentine war, or against Krux and Acronix.

Who are they you're asking ?
Well, they are the two twins being the elemental masters of time.

They could change it like they wanted ;
speed it, slow it, stop it or even going back in time.
Well both siblings couldn't do all those things as their powers were splited apart.

Krux was the one able to stop and even going back in time while his twin Acronix was the one able to speed it and slow it.

They had participed in the serpentine war, helping Wu, Garmadon, Ray, Maya, and all the other elemental masters at winning it about 40 years ago.

But once the serpentine war was over, they had began to think that they were above all the elemental powers.

For them, their powers were so powerful and above the other elemental powers that they deserved to rule over everything, to control all Ninjago.

For them, it was:
"Control time,
control everything."

Of course Wu and Garmadon couldn't let them away as they had became a threat for all Ninjago.

To defeat them, they had to gather all together again: Wu, Garmadon, and all the other elemental masters. Including Ray and Maya.

The Master of Fire and Water were both excellent fighters, but it seemed they had found someone at their level.

Acronix was skilled. He was an excellent fighter just like them as it was easy for him to win over them thanks to his powers.

For all the elemental masters, one Master of Time was already enough.
But like the hands of a clock, they were two.

And just like his twin, Krux was very skilled too to the point that, together, they were unstoppable.

Since their first fight, the elemental masters knew they had to prepare. They feared they wouldn't be as lucky the next time.

Until Wu got an idea.
What would often allow to beat an enemy ? To take their weapon away from them.
However, their weapon was the time.

Wu had turned to Maya and Ray and asked them to create something really difficult to realise.

He asked them to create blades in chronosteel that they would call, the blades of time.

Chronosteel was the only steel capable of absorbing elemental powers.
And with it, Ray and Maya would have to use both of their elemental powers to make the blades of time to absorb the Hands of time's powers.

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