<[Her past 3: The Smith Family]>

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As you know, with their first daughter, the Smith family was happier than ever !

But with the birth of their second daughter, they could feel that their family have finally been completed.

Nya was the last thing to add to make their family perfect as their life was better than ever.

And for Kaya,
like everyone had guessed,

She indeed became the best big sister ever for Nya as they were both inseparable.

Maya and Ray would always find Kaya near Nya.

Not so long after her birth,
Ray and Maya had presented Dr. Saunders to Nya around a cup of tea like always as he had congratulate them both.

He then got an idea.
To celebrate, he proposed Maya and Ray if he could make a painting of both of them for him and his museum.

In exchange, he would give them a picture of the painting so they could put it in a picture frame or something.
Ray and Maya didn't see any reasons for not taking his offer, plus they kind of like the idea to be painted. So in the end, they accepted.

At that time, Kaya had gone play with some kids in the village when the 2 mans who were supposed to paint Maya and Ray arrived in front of their family forge.

Maya and Ray got outside to meet them as Nya was in Maya's arms, wrapped in a red blanket so she won't catch a cold.

The 2 mans asked if they could do the paint there, in front of their house since it was a nice whether and it would make the perfect background for the painting,
Maya and Ray both agreed having no problem with that.

Maya was about to go back inside to put Nya there when one of 2 mans said that it was okay if Nya was here.

He said he was only there to assist as the real painter was the man next to him. He then proposed that he would keep Nya until they were done so both Maya and Ray could continue to watch over her while posing.

Ray and Maya liked the idea and thanked the man.
Maya then walked over the man and carefully put Nya in his arms before walking back next to Ray.

The painter then took all his supplies and began his work.

Like pose, Ray and Maya put their arms behind each other back and turned their heads smiling towards the painter like he had asked, and the painter began his work.

50 minutes had passed since they had started and Nya had finished by falling asleep in the assistant's arms who was just in aww at the little baby.

It's kind of expected since it's pretty impossible to not fall in love with an adorable and innocent little baby.

It was exactly the same with Kaya, so Ray and Maya weren't surprised at all.

Anyway, after like an hour, the painter had finally finished his painting to Ray and Maya's pleasure as they turned towards each other smiling before looking back at the painter in front of them.

He turned it around and Maya and Ray were amazed by how the painting looked with every single detail drawed carefully.

The assistant then gave back Nya to Maya smiling.
Both Ray and Maya were staring at her until she began to slowly open her eyes.

"Hi sweetheart, did you take a good nap ?" Maya whispered as Nya smiled happy in her red blanket.

"Mommy ! Daddy ! I'm back !" Ray and Maya both turned their heads to see Kaya waving at them smiling in her little red shirt and her brown pants as her long spiked brown hair had been a little messed up with all the fun she must had at the village.

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