Chapter 1: How it All Began

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It all started that one fateful day (or maybe I should say night). Actually yes, I do remember. I think it was around 12 - 3:30 AM in... I think maybe early August 2023. I was just chilling in my room, trying  to fall asleep, when I got a little hungry and decided to get something from the fridge. I walked into the kitchen, and while I was trying to get something from the fridge, I heard a loud noise. At first, I cringed & froze in fear, but curiosity got the better of me.

I went outside to the back porch to check out exactly what the hell it was. It turned out that the thing that caused such a commotion was this cute little, furry, orange creature almost about the size of a cat (if that). I whisper so as not to wake up my parents (or even my annoying younger brother, Liam, for that matter). "Hello, cutie! What are you? And why are you even here this late at night?" The creature kindly replied with a sweet smile, "Hi! I'm going to change your world and all you have to do is ask!"

"It must be some sort of magical... SCP creature or something," I joked to myself, chuckling. "Exactly," it responded to me in that same small, high-pitched voice. Then, in the blink of an eye, it revealed to me its powers, which was its ability to shape-shift into a magical pen, paintbrush, and professional sketchbook.

The best thing was, I didn't even have to use any paints or anything like that. The paintbrush just painted by itself when I thought of the color or shape I wanted to use. It must have been using telepathy or something like that to help me paint the right things that I wanted to paint, and although the paintings & drawings came out sort of crappy & childish, it was better than nothing. So I wrote down exactly what I wanted & it instantly happened to me.

However, only after a few hours of being awake with the small, mysterious creature, the FBI and/or SCP Foundation pounded open my door, and it probably startled our cats so badly, (and maybe even my younger brother, Liam, for that matter because he's a gamer & is usually awake till 12, and at the latest, 3-4 AM). Mama was also probably a bit annoyed about the whole thing as well, as she barely gets any food or sleep between us kids and everything else that goes on around here.

Anyway, whatever or whoever they were pounded open the door with a battering ram or some other sort of breaking-in device. They sternly yelled, "We are the SCP Foundation. You are in possession of an escaped SCP. You are going to be now put into a humanoid holding cell until we can find a better place for you."

I stared at them blankly for a couple of seconds. "Ohhhh! Yeah, sorry, I'm auper tired. Huh, cool. Like the Dr. Bob SCPs? Eh, sure. I'm bored. Take me away, creeps!" They stared at me blankly for a couple of seconds in confusion. "What? Ohh! Yeah, I hate my life at school cuz teenagers in general are absolute asshats and jackasses. Soooo... yeah. Also, I have a few powers from that cute little creature over there, so just be mindful of that cuz I sometimes can be a bit aggressive," I explained to them.

They actually laughed in amusement. "I think we'll manage," one of them replied. The leader of the group signaled to someone with a little straw-like thing, and before I could even do anything, I was hit in the neck with a tranq dart. "OW! Fuck, I must've slept on this wrong. Ugh! I absolutely hate when that happens!" I exclaimed in annoyance & pain.

One of them just rolled their eyes. "C'mon, we haven't got all night. Get in the stupid van before you fall asleep. *You gave her the fast one, right? *" The guard whispered to his or her coworker. "*You worry too much. You really need to lighten up a little. But yes, I did. She should be asleep within not even 4 minutes.*" The coworker whispered back. "Wait, what?" I replied in alarm, surprise, and fear.

However, I didn't get much time to react because the tranq dart was already starting to take effect. Less than 5 minutes later, I was deeply asleep & inside the transport van.

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