Chapter 2: Captured

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So right now, I am in an SCP holding cell for humanoid SCP objects for some reason, with my fav Eevee Evolution hoodie from my older sister on. When I woke up this morning in my cell, I thought it was all just a dream, a weird but wonderful dream. However, I knew that was deeply mistaken. 

"Hello!" The small orange creature I'd met last night had escaped again. The escaped SCP sirens were blaring loudly. I hesitated to say anything at first.

"Why are you... You know what I'm not even going to ask. Can you get me out of here?" I queried. "Yes," the creature replied. I disappeared using one of my newfound powers. "Sweet! This invisibility power is liiit!" I whispered to myself. I disguised myself as a young adult, female SCP researcher (thanks to my sweet new shape-shifting ability from the kind creature), went uninvisible, and teleported out of the holding cell door, thanks to one of my many powers from the kind, small creature. "Okay, that felt a bit weird, but it worked so whatever. Ok, so, what now?" I asked the kind creature unsurely. The tiny creature replied, "Whatever you wanna do."

An announcement was produced on the speakers, and I jumped in alarm & surprise. "HOLY-" I yelled in surprise. "ATTENTION, RESEARCHERS!" Everyone instantly looked up from what they were doing. "There is an escaped contaminated human on the loose. The human in question; who prefers to be called Missy Cotten & has the apparent intelligence of an average, American, 12 - 14 year old, female; has strange abilities due to crossing paths with SCP-19281, or "The Shape-Shifting Art Supplies". The teen in question has invisibility, shape-shifting, and a few other unknown powers. Be careful, as she could be any one of us. Godspeed everyone, and stay safe!" The announcement ended just as abruptly as it had started.

I was silent for a moment. "Jeez, warn me next time ya do that will ya? Anyways, daanng! Whoever that was got everything about me right. Except for, ya know, my ADHD, my bipolar, my OCD, and whatever other mental disorders that make me such a mess," I whispered to myself. A researcher walked up behind me.

"Hello...," The researcher said to me softly in a kind of eerie tone as they walked up behind me. Startled, I flinched & softly gasped. 'OML. WHAT. THE ACTUAL. FUCK?!! Is this guy fucking crazy? He coulda gotten punched in the face by accident!'  I turned around & replied, "Oh, uh-um... Y-yeah, h-hi. How are you?" I replied as a chill went down my spine. "Good. And you? " He creepily replied, sending another chill down my spine.

I nervously gulped. "Um, y-yeah. I-I'm great. N-never better," I fearfully stammered. "You seem tense. And furthermore, you have the vocabulary of a female 14-year-old. Do tell me why this is. And please don't lie. I absolutely despise liars. And you do know that the escaped teen has a lie detector & tracker inside her right arm, right?"  He asked me in a suspicious tone. 'WAIT! WHAT?'  I thought in alarm, laughing nervously. The creepy researcher looked at me suspiciously.

But then, he suddenly laughed. "Oh, goodness. Man, the look on your face was priceless! I was just joking. I do this with all the young newbies. Don't worry I don't think that you're the escaped teen. You look much older than the description. No offense, by the way," he explained.

My whole body relaxed in relief. 'Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was going to go back to that boring cell. '  I thought with a sigh of relief. "I'm Dr. Bright, by the way," he introduced. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Shit. Isn't this guy in trouble with the O5 council for... Ah, fuck. What was it? Trying to train The Unkillable Reptile or something?  I thought to myself in alarm. Dr. Bright seemed to notice this. "Hey, you seem a little more tense. Did I do something wrong?" Dr. Bright asked in dismay.

I'm still in a little shock, but I still try to say at least something. "Uh...Um, y-yea-... I- I mean no. I just didn't... uuh... get much sleep or... uh... food to eat last night or this morning and...uhh... yeah, s-something like that," I lied, and I felt a strong shock enter my right lower arm. "AH!  HOLY MOTHER OF-! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" I cried as I fell to the ground in extreme pain. "Ahhh! HOLY SHIT! This feels like I put my arm in a tank of electric eels! Actually, no worse than that. FUCK! This feels like I hit my elbow, put a fork in a working electric socket, and then electrocuted my lower right arm! HOLY FUCK, THIS HURTS!" I screamed, writhing on the floor in agonizing pain.

The so-called Dr. Bright touched something in his ear. "O5, I have the escaped female teen. Don't worry she's safe with me. ........ Wait, you want me to what?...... Tranq her? But why? She's already on the floor! ....... No paycheck if I don't? ....... You know what, fine. I'll do it. At least it isn't that painful. Goodbye, boss," He replied as he got out a tranq dart from his lab coat pocket.

"W-wait, wha-what now?" I stammered in shock, fear, & a little pain. "Sorry, Miss Cotten. I gotta do what I gotta do. Sweet dreams, at least," He explained as he inserted the dart into what he must've thought was my left arm. "Wait, what?... AH, HOLY FUCK! THAT HURTS!" I responded in agony. "Oops, wrong arm. I meant to do the left arm, not the right. Hmm... This should help the pain," He explained as he stuck yet another needle into my arm. "HOLY FUCK, THAT HURTS! Whyyyyy? I try to be a good daughter, I get decent grades, try not to fight with my brother, Liam, on a daily basis, and yet it's still not enough to please... p-people!" In shock, I stop talking for maybe a minute. "Huh. Oh, hey. The pain is...*yawn* g-gone. Huh, weird. I never felt this... *yawn* relaxed and c... Calm... befa... before..." I said to myself, slightly loopy from the tranq dart. I then fell asleep not even 5 minutes later.

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