Chapter 3: Trapped... Again. Or Am I?

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I woke up what felt like an hour later. I slowly & painfully sat up. "Ugh. I feel like I got run over by a dump truck. Where the fuck am I?" I groaned, my hand cradling my forehead. "Sorry about that. They tend to have that effect on some people. The discomfort might take an hour or 2 to go away. At the latest, the pain will eventually go away by lunchtime. Nice hoodie, by the way. But also, language," A female voice explained through a speaker.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, half asleep. Tsk, tsk. "Ah, ah, now. You don't wanna be shocked by your implant for that attitude & language by your observer out here, now do you?" The voice scolded. "Fuck off, I hurt & I'm tired," I replied as I slowly stood up. Yeah, absolutely wrong move. "Oh, jeez. I'm dehydrated," I whispered to no one in particular, struggling to stand up and stay standing. "I'm sorry, I tried to warn you. *Turn the voltage down by 25-50 volts. We don't wanna kill her. *" The voice commanded in a whisper to some other person in that room.

I was more awake now, and I responded with a, "Wait, what?! Where am I? Who the fuck are you? And did you just say 'kill her'?" I asked in a panic. It was a little too late for that because as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a shock in my right arm almost like last time, but much, much, much duller. "HOLY- OML! OW!" I screamed.

"I told you. You could have avoided that. You don't tend to listen very well, now do you?" The voice sympathized. I was holding my arm for some reason, even though the pain throughout it had long passed. "Um, no, cuz 1, I really don't know who or where the frick you even are! And 2, I usually am a great listener *except for when my ADHD kicks in.*" I muttered to myself. "But anyway, come out and actually talk to me instead of through the damn speakers in this room or something like that!" I argued, half-screaming and throwing both arms up in frustration.

There was a short silence from the female. "I don't know if I can. But, maybe I could find a loophole. Maybe if I wear a biohazard suit into your quarters, everyone else on O5 might agree to it. After all, you seem like you might be a troubled teen. I'm just here to help," the voice explained. I actually laughed. "HA! Help? You've done nothing but shock & scold me since I woke up from that stupid tranq dart instead of actually, hmm, well. I don't know... TALKING to me in person, rather than through that stupid mic. When you actually come down & talk to me, THEN I might cooperate!" I screamed.

There was a stunned, awkward silence from the person up there. "Okay. Maybe you're right. Perhaps we haven't really properly met yet. I will ask the rest of O5 for further precautions to take around you so everyone else is safe. We don't know what you're capable of just yet. But if you'll just please forgive me, perhaps I can come down there and have a proper chat with you."

There was another dead, awkward silence between both of us for less than a minute. "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't believe I didn't tell you my name in the first place. Please forgive me. My name is Dr. Sophia N. Light. I'm sorry for any confusion or improper feelings I might have portrayed to you. Are we all good now?" Dr. Sophia queried.

I sharply inhaled. This was gonna be a long one. "Ok, first of all, I don't even have my glasses on. They're back at home (wherever the frick that is anyway). All I can see of you is just a fuzzy, human-shaped blob. Also, if you are TRULY here to help me, then 1, please get me something to eat cuz I don't think I've eaten since I think around... ehhh.... maybe lunchtime 2 days ago? Who knows? I'm starving. Anyway, and 2, CAN YOU PLEASE GET YOUR TAIL THE FUCK DOWN HERE SO WE CAN ACTUALLY PROPERLY TALK??!!!" I berated.

I heard her heels click toward my cell. ZIIIPP! 'What the hell is she doing? ' I thought in confusion. Shh! Creeaak! Shwoof! Dr. Sophia stepped inside my chamber right as the door closed. My jaw dropped slightly in shock. She was wearing a construction-orange, hazmat suit. "Alright, now. Happy? Good. Hopefully, we won't have any other miscommunications or mishaps, right? Also, close your mouth. You don't wanna catch flies, " She commanded, and I reluctantly obeyed. What the heck? Is she serious? I'm not contagious! I just have a few powers is all! I thought in confusion & anger. "Oh, c'mon. Don't be like that. I can't talk to you in person any other way. This is the best solution for us to talk it out, ok? Also, here's your food. You didn't specify, so I just brought you a protein bar," She explained to me. 'WTF? Can she read minds or something? I didn't even say anything yet! ' I thought in confusion.

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