Chapter 4: Escape?

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We got close to my house at around 3:30 PM. The dogs were excited to see me again after who knows how long I'd been gone. I tried to run into my house, completely forgetting about my current situation. Rattle, Clink-clink!  "Oof!" I cried in shock as I was jerked back by the leash & handcuffs. "I told you she'd tried to escape," the ruder guard muttered under his breath. "I can hear you, ya know! I forgot, ok?" I replied, rolling my eyes in annoyance as I got back up & dusted myself off. "Oops! My bad! Didn't know I'd said that out loud," The ruder one replied.

I took a strained deep breath and replied, "Yeah, well. You did. So stop talking so we can go get my stuff, and hopefully, Mom is at work so I don't have to explain this twisted situation to her," I explained. I took a deep breath & sighed. I twitched my head in the direction of my house. "C'mon. My house is this way," I explained. I slowly walked in the direction of my house.

"You can walk a little faster. I'm walking right beside you," the friendlier guard explained. "Oh, wait. Really? Ok. Thanks for telling me," I replied, and I sped up to my normal walking pace. "Oh, I didn't know that you were a fast walker. That's good. The sooner we get to your house & get your stuff, the sooner we can get back," the friendlier guard commented. "Yeah..." I replied unenthusiastically.

Less than a couple of minutes went by before we all finally arrived at my backyard. "Ok. We're here. Open the gate please, since I obvi can't. Also, be careful of Mia. She might try to escape, and if she does, she could get killed by the crazy cat lady down the street," I explained. The friendlier guard nodded, handed my leash to the ruder one, and opened the gate. "Hey, sweet girl. How are you?" The nicer guard sweetly asked Mia nicely, holding her inside the fence so we could get inside. She was so happy to see new people, but more so me than them. Bark! Bark! Whimper. Whiine. Mia begged. "Yes, yes. Good baby girl. Yes, yes. Inside now, baby girl. Yes, inside. Good girl!" I congratulated her as she dashed inside. "Ok, we got the dog inside. Let's get her stuff and head out," the ruder one explained. I resisted the urge to snarkily reply with 'Who? Me or the dog?' by biting my tongue/lip.

Once we got inside, I was immediately greeted by my annoying brother, get this, wearing nothing but his shorts and getting something to eat from the fridge. I slapped my face & shook my head disapprovingly. 'Really, dude? Is this what you do all day while I'm at school? '  I thought in light embarrassment. "Uuuhh.... This is embarrassing... I didn't think that they were actually real. Huh. Guess ur over-active imagination was partly right, sis. I guess I owe you 5$. Soo... Umm... Lemme go get some clothes on," Liam asked, going into his room (or my old one. We switched rooms about... ah, fuck. When was it? Back in January or February? Anyways, his room. My old one).

"Now, hang on just one second... You aren't going anywhere. Permission to tranq & amnestitize, sir?" The ruder guard asked the nicer one. "Oof. Yeah, I'd hate to do this, but we have to in order to protect the Foundation's reputation," the nicer guard replied. I faintly saw Liam discreetly pull out his phone from his pocket. "Put that back right now!" I whispered through clenched teeth. "Whyyy? Man, your no fun," Liam replied, reluctantly putting his phone back in his shorts pocket. "Thank you. Now can you please go get me my glasses, phone, phone charger, earbuds, and fidget bag, please? You can obviously see that I'm a bit... tied up right now," I asked him nicely. "Ugh, fiinne. You owe me though," he replied.

He then walked into the living room, got the things I asked for, and handed them to me. "Thanks, doofus. Love ya," I replied as I put on my glasses & slid into my fidget bag. I tried to playfully ruffle his hair, but I missed his head because he stepped back when I tried to. "Eh, maybe next time. If there is even one anyway," I hopelessly remarked. "Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and amnestitize me. I wanna forget her ugly face," Liam commented as he came closer to the guards "Uh! Ouch!" I sarcastically replied. "Um, ok. Eric, administer Class-A amnestics to the young male," the nicer guard requested.

"Sure thing, Sean. Administering now. You may feel a pinch," Eric explained. He injected the amnestic into Liam's upper left arm, then tranqed him lower down on the same arm soon after. "C'mon. Let's go," Eric urged, walking out the door. I glanced back one last time, but I soon followed due to being tied up by them.

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