Chapter 7: At Least There Aren't Any Sticks Up My Ass...

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I woke up in my cell an hour later, still in my black leopard form. Dazed, I looked around the room, temporarily forgetting where I was. "Ugh, my head is pounding like there's a jackhammer inside my skull. Where the fuck even am I again?" I asked myself in a daze, slowly sitting up. "Oh, good. You're awake, and even better, you're also alive. Hopefully, those guards didn't hurt you too much," a familiar voice commented. I slowly stood up, my legs a bit wobbly & my vision blurry due to dehydration, but I collapsed to the floor a few seconds later. "Well, fuck! I can't even stand up right now. I'm severely, severely dehydrated," I sarcastically observed, and I laid down on the ground yet again.

"DANGER! DANGER! Subject reaching dangerously low dehydration! INSERT IV IMMEDIATELY! " A computerized voice announced repeatedly, and I winced in agonizing pain. "OW! TURN THAT DAMN THING OFF! It hurts my head!" I cried in agony, bringing my paws to my ears. "Turn off the unstable vital signs announcement," the familiar male voice ordered. "Voice recognized. Turning off," the computerized voice announced. "I'm coming down there with our vet. You need immediate fluids in you, ASAP!" The familiar voice exclaimed. I could barely keep my eyes open. I knew I was about to pass out from dehydration any second now, and I was right. I soon passed out a couple of seconds later.


I woke up in some sort of animal hospital inside the foundation. I tried to sit or even stand up, but my body just wouldn't let me. I slowly brought my head up from my paws & looked down at my front legs, which had an IV inserted into both of them. I looked around and saw machines all around me, beeping & monitoring my vital signs. The pain in my head had gone away completely, probably due to a painkiller that they'd injected into me after I'd passed out on the floor of my cell. There were a couple of vets & vet techs in the room writing on clipboards and running around monitoring me & the machines around me. One of the looked up from her clipboard and sighed in relief. "Everyone, look! She's finally awake!" The young vet cried in relief. Everyone else looked up from their clipboards or whatever else they were doing. "Oh, thank god!" "Finally!" "It felt like she'd never wake up!" The other vet techs exclaimed in relief, crowding around me. "Hey, hey! Give her some space!" One of the head veterinarians commanded. "Oh. Sorry, sorry. My bad!" The younger vet techs apologized, backing up a little.

I blinked & looked around in confusion. "What the hell happened to me? Why am I in a hospital? Who the hell are you people?" I asked, disoriented. "She seems confused. Ask her if she knows who she is," one of the head vets politely ordered.

I tried & successfully, but slowly, stood up. "FUCK YES, I KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM! I'M IMAGINITIA RAMIA COTTEN! A 14, ALMOST 15, YEAR OLD WITH MENTAL ISSUES! I'M JUST ASKING WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME! DID I GET KNOCKED OUT OR DID I JUST SIMPLY PASS OUT??!!" I angrily screamed. "Order a mental eval for her. She's clearly stressed," one of the head vets requested. One of the normal veterinarians nodded and slipped out of the room. I was about to scream at them again before one of the head vets stopped me. "Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. Lie back down, you're severely, severely dehydrated. It took at least 3-4 bags of saline to get you somewhat stable. We're actually about to change out the 5th & 6th ones in your arms right now. So lie back down, rest up, and you'll probably be free to go back to you're cell by lunchtime, ok?" She explained.

I shut my mouth and laid back down on my paws. The head vet nodded to the other normal ones and stepped back a little. The other vets & vet techs that she'd nodded towards quickly, but gently, changed out the IV bags in my forelegs. I slowly sat up to let the vets quickly change them, and laid back down when they were done. "Excellent. Behave, and you might be out of here before lunchtime. Now, do you want a snack or are you not hungry?" The head veterinarian politely asked. I nodded. I was  a little hungry. "Ok, do want a turkey sandwich or a protein block?" I lightly grimaced in disgust at the protein block option. I've heard that those were absolutely terrible. "Turkey sandwich please," I replied. "Ok," she responded. She walked over to a mini fridge on the opposite side of the room. She walked back over to me, placed the sandwich in front of my paws, and walked back across the room. I licked my lips hungrily and quickly snatched it up. I turned my body around and quickly scarfed it down, my long, leopard tail swishing side to side boredly.

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