Chapter 9: I really need a bath, blanket/bedsheets, and new clothes.

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I awoke to the sound of arguing. "What the- Who the hell is arguing this early in the fuckin' morning?!" I sleepily asked in irritation, briefly forgetting where I was due to tiredness. I stretched; yawning; stood up on my bed, and shook my leopard head and body. I then casually jumped off my bed and trotted over to my cell door to get a better listening range, and this is what I heard:

"YOU DID WHAT???!!!" I heard an all too familiar voice yell, causing a ringing in my ears and knocking me back a little. Ssnrrt!  I sneezed. Oof. Excuse me. I thought, wiping my nose with the top of my paw.

"Relax, she's fine. She just read my mind, literally, and saw some things she shouldn't have, so I just gave her a Class-A amnestic. It's not that big of a deal," another familiar voice replied nonchalantly.

"WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION???!!! YOU IDIOT! WHAT IF THE REST OF 05 FOUND OUT???!! You and I both very well know that you could be fired or worse for that. And that there's still a small possibility that she still could be a little dangerous!! What if she was in a bad mood and decided to bite somebody, or even worse, MAUL THEM!!! That could take weeks to cover up!! Do you know what happens to animals that bite? THEY DIE! And we are still working on her cover story, you imbecile! She's only been here less than a week, and she won't even tell us anything! And furthermore, what if-" The all too familiar voice was cut off.

I heard a deep inhale from the other voice. "Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. First, take a very deep breath to calm down. You really need it. Second, I won't get fired. I can't even get fired. Do you want to know why? BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING SCP!!! I CAN'T LEAVE HERE!!!" The other voice angrily screamed, sending another wave of ringing throughout my ears & nearly toppling me over. "OOWWW!!!" I yelled in agony, flexing my claws in pain and fear. Shink!  I took a deep, relaxing breath and slowly retracted my claws. Shank!  I then rubbed my ears in pain, trying to disperse it.

"Oh, hey. She's awake. I was wondering when she was going to wake up. It's already 9:52 AM," I heard Sean comment. "She is? I'm going to look," one of the familiar voices outside my door reply in confusion. Scraape!  I winced in pain. The sound of metal against metal was literal agony on top of the already existing physical pain from the two researchers yelling at each other. "Oh, hey. She is awake. Hello, Missy. Good morning," Dr. Sopia acknowledged. I just rolled my eyes in frustration, walked back over to my bed, and swiftly jumped onto it. I stretched my legs and laid down, making sure to put my head in the opposite direction of Dr. Sopia's gaze. I heard my cell door open and faintly saw Dr. Sophia step inside. Squeak! Clang-clank! Swoosh!

She walked halfway to me and stopped, sighing. "Ok, ouch. I do everything to help you feel comfortable here, and you just shrug it off & roll your eyes at me like I'm the problem. I even pulled a few strings to get you your glasses & fidget bag or whatever the heck you want to call it. What more is it that you need? Blankets, new sheets, someone to talk to?" Dr. Sophia speculated. I slowly lift my head up and barely glanced in her direction, sighing.

"Yeah, actually, I do. One, I need a bath. Like, really badly. I smell worse than Shrek's swamp. Two, my hoodie needs to be washed. It smells like bad B.O. with an unknown scent I can't describe. Three, I need blankets and new sheets. The sheets feel as rough as sandpaper, and I have to keep shifting into animals because I'm cold otherwise. This hoodie only does so much! And four, CAN YOU GUYS KEEP THAT CREEP DR. BRIGHT AWAY FROM ME???!!! He wanted to test how far my telekinesis went before I either passed out, nosebled, or even both! Also, can I please have a sports watch? I'm bored and I get a little anxious if I can't see the time. Ok, yeah. I think that's all," I explained.

There was a short, stunned silence between us. Dr. Sophia soon cleared her throat. "Ahem. Well... Ok, that's a lot to process, but I get onto it right away," She replied. "Hand me your hoodie, please. I promise to take good care of it, and I ALWAYS keep my promises," Dr. Sophia requested, and I hesitated. This hoodie was from Sissy (my older sister that I barely get to see). What if they lost it, or even worse, damaged it somehow? I was skeptical, but the hoodie smelled terrible and desperately needed to be washed.

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