Chapter 5: No, not really... Y-You're trapped again.

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When we got back to my cell, I was tired, both mentally & physically, but at least I had my phone, glasses, and fidget bag. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep," I explained to the guards as I went into my cell. "This early? It's only... Oh, yeah that's not that early. Never mind," Sean replied. "Huh? Whatever. I'm too tired for this shit," I explained.

Sean stopped me before I went inside my cell. "Oops. Almost forgot," he explained. He unclipped the leash from the handcuffs & unlocked them. He then put the leash inside one of his pockets & the handcuffs on his belt. "Okay, you're good to go now," Sean replied. I walked inside my cell, took off my glasses & set them on the ground, set my phone down, and slid out of my fidget bag. After I did that, I flopped onto the bed & almost immediately fell asleep out of exhaustion.


I woke up to one of the SCP researchers shaking me awake. "What the... Who-" I replied, half-asleep as I got onto my right elbow, and my face only fell in disappointment. "Oh, it's only you. What the heck do you want?" I requested, annoyed & frustrated. "Sorry to wake you, but you have to get a mental evaluation. Orders of 05," Dr. Sophia explained. "05 can go fuck it for all I care. I just wanna sleep," I replied, half-asleep & frustrated (and yawning as I talked).

"Young lady, that language is not appropriate. Don't make me take your phone from you for your bad attitude towards me! I was nice enough to convince the rest of 05 to let you have it," Dr. Sophia explained. "Yeah, well get me an energy drink and I might think it over," I replied sleepily.

I felt her inject something into my available arm. "WHAT THE-" I commented in confusion as I sat up. I looked over at the wound on my arm from what she had just injected. "What the absolute fuck was that?" I asked in a haze. "There. That should help. Meet me outside your cell in 10 minutes," Dr. Sophia requested. "Fuck you," I replied sleepily.

She sighed. "I guess I'm taking your phone and charger then," Dr. Sophia responded. She reached down, took my phone & phone charger, and slipped them both inside her left lab coat pocket. "Noo!" I whined sleepily. "You'll get these back when you behave. Outside. Cell. Now!" She commanded.

I was fully awake & energetic now, and it was faster than normal, probably due to whatever the hell she'd just injected into my arm. "Oh, my- What the- How am I fully awake faster than normal right now?" I finally managed to say. "That doesn't matter at the moment. Come with me. We have much to do today, young lady," Dr. Sophia omitted. "Ugh! FIIINNEE!!!!" I whined. I quickly put on my glasses & grabbed my magenta-colored, egg-shaped, clay container from the front pocket and walked out of my cell with her. She grabbed my hand semi-tightly and we started walking.


After walking with her for what felt like hours, we finally arrived at some sort of doctor's office. Allen Bowes, Child Psychiatrist, the glass on the door read. "I'm not a child," I mumbled in a huff. Dr. Sopia somehow heard this and replied as she opened the door, "That's right. You're not. You're a minor," She gently pushed me inside, closed the door, and locked it. Same thing... I thought in frustration, rolling my eyes.with a frustrated huff.

Dr. Sophia cleared her throat. Ahem. The man in there looked up from his work. "Oh, hello there, Dr. Sophia. Who's this pretty young lady with you?" He kindly asked. "Her name is Missy Cotten. She's 12 to 14, and 05 ordered her mental evaluation due to the little escape attempt she pulled when she got here. She's also been showing signs of ADHD and a few other mental disorders as well. Care to explain what that little stunt was, young lady?" She sternly asked me.

I looked up from playing with my clay. "Huh? What was that?" I asked in confusion, temporarily forgetting where I was.

Dr. Sophia sighed in frustration. "I asked you to explain the little escape attempt you pulled when you got here," Dr. Sophia explained in slight annoyance. "Uh, yeah. N-nah, fam. I think I'm good," I replied nervously. She sighed in exasperation. "I don't have time for this. Can I just drop her off here? I got things to do," She asked Dr. Allen.

"Of course. Do what you need to do. And I think I have an idea of how to get her to talk to me," Dr. Allen politely replied, and Dr. Sophia just sighed in relief. "Oh, thank you. You're a literal lifesaver," She replied. She turned to me. "Behave, and no trying to escape or no phone, got it?" She sternly warned. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I got it," I replied in annoyance. She ignored my attitude, unlocked the door, and slid out. Click-click-CLICK!

I slumped. I was trapped yet again. "Aw, come on! Don't be like that. I sure you and I will get along just fine," Dr. Allen explained as he got up from his desk and sat in a chair across the reclining bench. He patted the bench and requested, "Now, come sit. Tell me everything." I hesitantly sat down on the middle of the bench and anxiously replied, "And everything here is confidential? Nothing I say gets out of this room?" Dr. Allen sucked his teeth nervously. "Not exactly. Everything you say does  stay inside foundation walls, but I'm required to tell 05 and anyone else of importance what we discussed. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is," He explained. "Well, at least the bullies at school can't hear about it..." I mumbled.

"Sweetie, I need you to speak up in order to help you. I can tell something is bothering you, and I want to help you, but I can't unless you tell me what's wrong. Don't worry. This is a safe space. I won't judge," Dr. Allen explained. "I-I didn't say anything!" I replied defensively, and I was lightly shocked by the lie-detector implant in my arm. My other arm quickly grabbed my right. "Ah! Fuck, I forgot about that!" I exclaimed in light pain. "Hm? What's this? What's in your arm?" Dr. Allen asked me in concern. I lightly shook my right arm to disperse the pain. "Yeah, just this stupid, lie-detector, implant thingy in my right arm. I think it's supposed to prevent me from lying or something, and the bigger the lie, the bigger the shock," I replied, and I went back to playing with my clay.

"Well, that doesn't seem right. One extremely big lie and you could die from such a large electric shock. You don't mind if I take a look, right?" Dr. Allen asked. "Um, sure? But it just looks like regular skin, except for that sharp, small bump right there," I explained, pointing a little above my wrist. Dr. Allen nodded and reached for my right lower arm. "Hmm... Fascinating... I wonder what would happen if I touched that bump right there?" He wondered aloud. As his right pointer finger reached for the small, sharp bump on my arm, I cried out in terror, "NO, DON'T TOUCH THAT PART OF MY ARM!"

We both paused in shock. Some people in the hall probably thought I was delusional. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat and elaborated. "Um, what I meant was if you touch that small bump on my arm or even lightly brush against something, it'll go off and lightly shock me. I found that out while I was bored in my cell yesterday," I explained, shuddering at the flashback. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's my bad. I didn't know," Dr. Allen apologized. "I-it's ok. You didn't know," I stammered.

There was an awkward silence between us both for a moment. Dr. Allen quickly cleared his throat. "Ok, um, so anyway... Do you find yourself being distracted by random things that interest you or hop from project to project?"

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