Chapter 6: Tests... Ugh! Well, at least I hope I pass (meaning I don't die)

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After the session with Dr. Allen, I never wanted to go back. There were too many sensitive topics discussed. But I knew I had to. He'd diagnosed me with ADHD (which I already knew), bipolar, social anxiety (I've known that my whole life), and a few others I can't remember. I was in my cell now, playing with the fidget spinner from my fidget bag.

I heard a knock at my cell door. Clang-clang! I looked up from my fidget spinner. "Lunchtime, Missy," a kind but unfamiliar male voice announced. I raised my left eyebrow in confusion. Who the hell was this? "Uh, come in, I guess?" I replied in confusion. Squeak! Clang-clank! Swoosh! I cringed at the sound of the door opening. They really needed to oil that stupid door.

"Hi, nice to finally meet you! My name is Dr. Thaddeus Xyank, and I've been assigned as your secondary researcher. Here is your lunch. Meet me outside your cell when you're finished eating, ok?" Dr. Xyank requested. "Can I bring my fidget spinner?" I asked hopefully. "Uh, maybe. I don't know. It might skew the results and kill you, due to you being distracted," Dr. Xyank explained. "Oh, ok..." I replied, discouraged. "WAIT, WHAT??!!" I screamed in realization. "Uhh... Nothing! Just hurry up and eat, ok? We have a long day ahead of us," Dr. Xyank omitted nervously.

I was scared. I didn't know who was lying and who wasn't. I quickly scarfed down my protein bar and turkey & cheese sandwich. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now. "Oh, goodness. Someone was hungry," Dr. Xyank commented, chuckling. "Uhh, yeah. Suure. Let's go, I guess," I replied. "Ok," he responded. He quickly took my hand by the wrist & gently pulled me out of my cell. Hic! ..... Hic! ..... Hic! "Ugh! Da- Hic! -ang it! I got the hi- Hic! -cups!" I cried in frustration. I took a deep breath & held it while I walked. After 2-4 minutes, my hiccups stopped. "Finally!" I cried in relief.


After walking for what seemed like hours, we finally arrived at some sort of testing chamber. "Ok, we're here. Go inside, please," Dr. Xyank requested. I hesitantly walked inside, and as soon as I got inside the testing chamber, I heard a lock click. I froze. What the- I thought in fear. I slowly turned around and checked the testing chamber door. Rattle-rattle! I almost screamed, but I bit my tongue. "Hey, you ok down there, Missy? We need you to be fully functional for this test, " a voice explained over the speakers. I nodded, and I was lightly shocked by the implant. I winced, trying to ignore the pain in my right arm. "You sure? We can always take you out of there and do it tomorrow. Oh, wait. No? Ok, well apparently not. Well, just try to deal with it, ok? " The voice explained. I nodded in response. "Ok, well go to the center of the testing chamber for me, please," the voice up inside the observation room requested. I nodded and did as I was told.

Once I was in the middle of the room, I waited for further instructions. "You're being very obedient for this. That's great. The sooner that this is over with, the sooner you can go back to your cell, ok?" The voice up there explained, and I just nodded in response. I didn't know what else to say or do.

"Ok, so a scanning laser is going to be scanning you & your vitals right abouuutt..... Now! Ok, can you please show us the abilities that you got from the Shape-Shifting Art Supplies while you're being scanned?" The voice in the observation room kindly requested, and I hesitated when she asked that. The kind, small, orange creature had warned me not to show anyone my powers. However, on the other hand, they did have the power & ability to punish me if I didn't do as I was told. Ah, fuck it. I don't wanna get shocked. I thought.

"Missy? Did you hear me? Do I need to repeat myself? " The voice asked in concern. "Uh, n-no. I heard you. I'll show you my powers," I replied anxiously. "Oh, ok. Good," the voice up there contentedly replied. "So is there like a specific order you want me to show you my powers orrr...?" I asked, somewhat stalling. "No, you can show us however you like, " the voice up in the observation room replied. I sighed & nodded. "Ok, um, so my first one is shape-shifting," I explained. "Ok, can you show us by shape-shifting into a German Shepard for us, please? " The voice up there requested. I nodded and did as I was told. "Amazing. Can you stay right there, please? Our vet up here needs to check for any physical abnormalities, " they explained.

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