Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine For You

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Pokémon Journeys - Ash Ketchum & Goh

I forgot about this and wrote it in two days woo


Goh didn't understand how someone could be the personification of sunshine.

The idea that someone was optimistic to a fault, enough that they were able to radiate their energy onto others was hard to believe. How someone had such a great life that no situation could be seen as going wrong, ever.

The one person that made Goh question his analogy? Ash Ketchum.

Even sitting in a holding cell for helping some Psyducks across the road, Ash was still beaming his blinding smile as his partner, Pikachu, napped on his chest. Further confusing Goh, Ash had full trust in the bench in the cell that he was laying down on it. Goh refused to even sit.

Ash's eyes lit up as they introduced each other, Ash immediately rambling about how they shouldn't have been arrested for rescuing the Pokémon. He bounced around the cell with so much energy it was impressive, spending the first few minutes trying to get Pikachu to try and break them out. Ash was already eager to get back to rescuing any other animals and Pokémon that were in trouble.

The feeling wasn't mutual.

Ash, for the past hour, had been describing the entire plot to his favourite show. At least, that's the last thing Goh heard him talking about. Goh was zoned out just thinking about when they'd be released, so Ash could've been discussing anything at this point.

"Hey Goh?"

Goh's gaze shifted from the brick wall to the reclining Ash. "Yeah?"

"Have you been listening to what I'm talking about?"

"Not really, no."

Ash frowned. "Aw. Figured you didn't though. It helps to have someone listen to everything you want to say, you know?"

Goh didn't answer, fully planning on resuming his zoned out state.

"It just sucks when you're really into something, but you can't talk about it with anyone. You're left on your own, with your fixation the only thing keeping you going."

Goh nodded, knowing the feeling all too well. Constantly needing to fuel your hyperfixation, leaving you paralyzed at your computer for hours at a time. The brightness burning your eyes all hours of the night, but not being able to get up from your desk. Taking extra care not to sit by a window, so you can't see the sun's rise and set.

Goh sighed, finally slumping onto the bench beside Ash. "You know when we're getting out of here?"

Ash's eyebrows scrunched up in thought. Goh heard some people found it cute when people did that. Goh was not one of those people.

"Hopefully not for much longer, but I don't really know."

Goh placed his head in his hands, groaning in frustration. "I can't be stuck here all night. I'm already going to have to walk home in the dark."

"You're walking home? I thought we got a phone call?"

"We do. But no one's at my place to pick up."

"Seriously?" Ash propped himself up on his elbows. "Isn't that illegal? Kids living on their own?"

"Believe me, the times I'm on my own are better than the ones when my parents are home."

Ash spun so he was sitting on the bench, Pikachu stirring and falling back asleep with the motion. "Goh-"

"It's fine, Ash." Goh wrapped his arms around himself. He knew he said too much. If Ash spread what he told him, it could all be over.

Ash didn't take his eyes off him, unconvinced. The way Goh's eyes were losing their vibrance, his foot began tapping the floor rapidly, and his efforts to make himself smaller.

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