Pt 3. Preparations for the party (ORIGINAL)

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This is still one of the original parts of this story

Julian's POV

I sat alone in my room, father had finally finished his yelling at me, it was finally quiet. I sat on my balcony, overlooking the gardens below. Mother was out sitting in a chair, tanning herself. One of the maid rushed to her, hurriedly reminding her of the party tonight.

I watched as mother panicked and ran to go get ready. The nurse, Katharine, would bring me my outfit, she'd even agreed to help me look a bit more masculine.

I heard a knock at the door, I bounced up and opened, smiling to see Katharine there with a bundle of clothes. She smiled softly back, waving me in. "Hurry, we must get you dressed for the party." She stated as she placed the clothes on my bed, closing the door.

I moved the clothes around, finding a singlet of sorts among them. I picked it up, curiously looking at it.

"Ah. You've found the binder." Katherine smiled as she took it from my hands. "It arrived this morning, had to hide it." She laughed softly and I joined. She got me to take off the baggy clothes I was wearing currently, getting me into the costume.

I looked in the mirror, the binder had been carefully hidden under the robes that Katherine had put me in. I turned, admiring how flat my chest looked now.

"Come here, let me do up your hair." Katherine ordered.

"Okay." I said, walking over to sit on a chair in front of her as she brushed out my hair. Yesterday we'd cut my hair shorter. I had wanted it to be above my shoulders, but Katherine decided just under would work and then father wouldn't get upset.

Katherine them moved around to my makeup. "Do I need makeup?" I asked her as she did the eyeshadow, looking at her with one eye.

"You're father would expect me to give you makeup." She explained. I groaned in response. "I'm not doing a lot, okay. It's just themed makeup, some to give you a more male face as well." She laughed at me, I pouted playfully.

"Well, I hope this guy I'm getting betrothed to isn't a bitch." I say plainly, getting a laugh from Katherine. "Then again, he can't be a bitch if he isn't a girl." I continued, laughing along with Katherine.

"Stop making me laughed, you silly boy." She teased, "I'll mess up your makeup." I sighed, smiling.

Katherine was the first and only person I'd ever trusted to come out to. Luckily, she was the most accepting and understanding. I had built up courage to tell my parents, but it had gone south.

Mother was a bit accepting, though she said I'd still be her sweet little Juliet. Father downright hated me, he already disrespected me since I'd been born female, but now he had a new reason to loathe me. He had a theory that I wanted to be male so I would be treated better, but I didn't want that, I just hated being a girl. Not only did girl problems give me trouble, but my body just never felt and looked right.

I had almost always known I was trans. I might not have known that I wanted to be a boy, I just knew the life my parent's had planned for me wasn't what I wanted.

"Julian." Katherine said, snapping me from my thoughts. "Your mother's calling you, no time for daydreaming, dear." She teased, pinching my cheek slightly. I swatted her hand away with a slight laugh.

Katherine lead me out of my room, to where my mother was waiting.

"Ah, there you are Juliet . . . Sorry, Julian." Mother said, waving me down. "Maybe we should just call you Julie, that's easier." I winced at it.

"Mother, that's-" I started, being cut off by father.

"There are my two lovely girls." He smiled, he looked to me, his face falling slightly. "Over your stupid tantrum now?" He demanded.

I opened my mouth to tell him I hadn't, but mother beat me to speaking. "I believe she has, dear."

I smiled wryly at the two of them, hoping I looked happy. They returned the smile, theirs being ones of real happiness, unlike mine.

*At the party*

I stood amongst the newly arriving people, trying to avoid Paris. Yes, he was a nice man, I just didn't want to be near him anymore. The music was blaring so I focused on it, instead of Paris' voice calling after me.

I sure hope he leaves me alone soon, I might just break something if I can't get some alone time. I heard his voice quieten over the music, I sighed, still walking, hoping to get far away from him.

As I walked, I accidentally ran into someone, their head turned towards me. They had to tilt their head a bit to see me since their mask had to eye wholes on it that didn't seem the easiest to look out of. I was glad they weren't facing their head forwards since the mask would have liked me.

"Oh, are you okay? I'm surprised I didn't see you, your outfit is quite unique." I said while I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed that I'd run into them.

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