Pt 3.5. The Party (ORIGINAL)

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This is still one of the original parts of this story

Romeo's POV

As Mercutio led two of my friends and me to the party, I could hear music blaring from the mansion, we were only halfway down the, pretty long, gravel driveway. I moved my mask up to scratch my nose, blocking my view. I paused, am I even sure about this? With each step we took, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, my breath quickening. If we get caught, we could all be bloody well killed or, at best, severely punished.

Mercutio walked up to me, shoving my shoulder lightly. He didn't speak, but I could guess what was on his mind. "You really have some of the craziest ideas." I looked away, trying to get my mind off of what we're doing.

"What? Sneaking into a party..." He pauses to lower his voice, "Into a party we weren't invited to, just to see the girl you like? What's wrong with that?"

"The risks. To be honest, I'm a bit stressed." I look back at him, his sighs out.

"Dude, you have no guts in you." He shook his head, he sped up, leading the small group ahead again. It was quite the sight. The party was a costume party, though the Capulets want to call it a masquerade party. Mercutio had the silly idea to dress up as a girl, to be honest it actually suited him. He even padded out his chest to look more feminine. My two friends, Leonardo and Benvoli, decided to dress as Tweedledee and Tweedledum from Alice in Wonderland since they were twins, they aren't identical. Mercutio was the one who decided that I should go as a plague doctor, what a weird idea. Now I have to wear a long cape and a weird bird beaked mask, why did plague doctors wear these? At least it's comfortable and looks cool, Mercutio even got me a pocket watch to fit the style, instead of a current watch, they're too high tech.

We'd reached the front door and I was at my limit. 'Okay, Romeo, don't speak and no one will know who you are.' I thought to myself. I can do this, hopefully.

As soon as we entered the front hall, it was already pretty busy. I knew that once we were further in or further through the night it would be so much more crowded. That thought alone, made my heart start pounding again. I kept taking deep breaths to try and calm myself, but it just seemed to make my heart beat faster. Mercutio, of course, led us straight to the most crowded room, leading us to the middle.

"Okay." Mercutio said, having to raise his voice to be heard over the crowd. Benvolio, Leonardo and I leaned in a bit to hear him better. "Should we spread out to find Rosaline, or will we let her find us?"

"Let's find her, don't want her finding anyone else, right Romeo?" Leonardo asked, nudging me lightly.

Benvolio rolled his eyes. "As much as I think she's already in love, I agree with you, Leo."

"Very well. How about we meet back here after we find her? If Romeo finds her, he can just talk with her." If I wasn't wearing this mask, Mercutio would've been angry at me for glaring at him. Leonardo and Benvolio nodded, walking off in opposite directions, they should've just gone together. People might wonder why there's a Tweedledee in one room and a Tweedledum in a different one, oh well, it's too late now. "See you later, bud." Mercutio patted my shoulder and walked off. I took a deep breath in, I too moved off to find Rosaline. Why am I doing this! I've never seen this girl and I say I love her. I only said it since everyone else is in love, I felt like the odd one out, I just had too.

As I walked, I noticed Tybalt, Sir Capulet's nephew. I could swear he was glaring daggers right into me. I tilted my head down, walking out of the room Tybalt was in. With my head down, I couldn't see where I was headed and walked right into someone. I looked up immediately, looking at who I'd run into. My heart jumped right into my mouth, I had already opened it to say sorry, but this guy took my breath away.

He had light blonde-brown hair that had been pulled back into a half up-half down bun. The sides of his hair were hanging down freely, but the ones at the very front were plaited. There were white feathers stuck in his hair, poking out in a way some may say messy, but I thought perfectly fine. He had white robes on with golden lacing, a small cloak made of white feathers lay upon his shoulders. He wore make-up which made it look like he had little wings next to his eyes, he also had golden lipstick on his lips. His outfit was pretty much the opposite of mine. His was bright and beautiful, while mine was dark and scary, a kid that had been invited had cried when seeing my outfit. Being in the presence of him just calmed me somehow, I didn't know why, but I liked it.

"Oh, are you okay? I'm surprised I didn't see you, your outfit is quite unique." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Most of the guys here were taller than me, this guy included, and they all intimidated me. He didn't, though my heart started racing again just because of his voice. He seemed to have dressed as an angel and it seriously fitted him, he seriously sounded like an angel.

"I-" I tried to speak, but my words were all gone. "It's quite warm." I said out loud, I hadn't meant to, though the other guy didn't seem to care.

"Do you want to go outside, it's much quieter." He offered, I found myself nodding. Shouldn't I keep looking for Rosaline? Though, being with this masterpiece of a man sounds quite nice. He lightly grabbed my wrist, leading me out into the back yard, I could feel myself overheating. Why is a guy doing this to me, this is wrong!!!

Is it though? Am I allowed to like a man if I want? If so, I gladly will, if it means I can be with this guy. He led us past the pool to a small balcony which had stairs leading down a cliff to a beach. He walked to the edge of the balcony, admiring the sea. He turned and looked at me, "Wanna take a walk on the beach?" He asked.

"Why not?" I said cautiously, I didn't know what I was feeling and I didn't want to ruin anything. He smiled, leading me down the stairs. There wasn't a railing so we had to cling to the cliff side to make sure we didn't fall. When we reached the beach, he took his shoes off, letting his feet sink into the sand. We walked in silence, the other guy was kicking the sand as he walked.

He looked at me, he had a slightly confused expression. I smiled at him, soon realising I still had my mask on. I laughed at my own stupidity, it only seemed to confuse him more. "I smiled before. You can't see my face." I explained, still laughing slightly. He laughed with me, he reached over and unclipped my mask, I wanted to stop him, but it was a bit late for that.

"There..." He smiled at me, my mask in his hands. "Now I can see your cute face." He smirked as I felt my face flush. I abruptly looked away, out to the ocean where the sun was starting to set. I didn't notice it, but I just knew he moved close. I felt him grab my face and turn it to face him. "What?" He smiled, giving me a small kiss on the nose. Without thinking, I grabbed the front of his short cloak and pulled him into a kiss. I felt his hand move to the side of my head, I felt like I was melting in the moment.

"JULIAN!!" Someone shouted, the other guy pulled away sharply, pushing me away slightly. Someone ran up to us, they seemed shocked and sad at the same time. "Your mother's looking for you, Julian." They said as they got close.

"Oh! Come, I'm sure my mother will rethink my betrothal if she meets you, she might be able to convince my fa-" The other guy, who I now realised must be Julian Capulet, looked to me, reaching out for my hand, though he was cut off.

"He's a Montague." The other person explained. Julian looked to her, then back to me. His expression showed that he was shocked and heartbroken. "I'm sorry, but we must leave." The lady said, grabbing Julian and dragging him away at a fast pace. Julian looked back at me, I couldn't quite tell what he was thinking, but I knew he'd probably hate me. I saw Mercutio, Leonardo, Benvolio and some tall and skinny girl walking towards me. The other three stood a fair way away after Mercutio said something to them. He jogged closer to me, I turned and looked back to the ocean, saddened.

"Capulet?" I asked Mercutio as he got within earshot. "It's just a it not?" Mercutio walked up next to me, he was glaring intensely at me.

"You better be glad I grabbed this from that stupid Capulet maid. Let's get out of here, you have a lot of explaining to do." He growled at me, I nodded as he shoved my mask into my hands, roughly pushing me towards the stairs.

As I put my mask back on, my mind and heart were racing. I couldn't believe I'd gotten a kiss from such a handsome guy! I don't care that he's a Capulet, Julian's epic.

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