Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

POV: Melody Jones:

My dearest Melody,

I don't know how to say this, so I'll put this simply. Even if you don't remember me, even if you hate me for leaving you I will always love you. You might be sitting with your new parents, reading this together, or alone in your room. I never knew that I could be so fortunate to have a daughter, one I could call my own. I have lots of explaining to do, about your past, and about mine and your mothers past. After you read all of these I hope you will come to terms with this. DON'T try to find me if I am still alive. This is the life that your mother and I wanted for you. A life filled with loving parents, and friends who love you. You won't have to deal with the weight of what other people think, rumors, and even the family that you might have had. I And I know that you might never forgive me for what you went through, but you deserve to know more about your past. If you choose to rip up this letter, and throw it away, or read on to the next letter is entirely up to you. Just know that I will never forget you.

Love, Tobias Hawthorne II, your father

I feel numb, as my body takes over my mind. Even with all the thoughts in my head, I don't let them through. I cannot let the feeling take over me. That letter is so vague, the only piece of information I got from it is that my real father's name is Tobias Hawthorne II. I make a side note for myself to look that name up on the internet, there must be some importance there, or he wouldn't have signed it with his full name like that. I can't stop right now and go to my bag to get my laptop, I feel paralyzed. I grab the second letter labeled #2 and quickly spread out the wrinkled paper on my bed. This letter is made of many pages, all stapled together. I lay down on my stomach getting ready to process what could be the most important information of my life.

Oh Melody my Melody,

I don't want to waste any time, and I am sure that you can't possibly wait any long for what I am about to tell you, so I will get straight to the point.

If you are reading this at the proper time, it will have been around twenty years ago that I killed 3 young people who were also my closest friends. They helped me through hard times, and comforted me when I thought I could go on no longer. I was filled with rage and anger as I poured the gasoline all around the house. Just a little longer I thought, my father must feel how I feel right now when he watches this house burn with his most prized possessions while we stand and watch from miles away. But it didn't go as planned. I thought I prepared for everything, but I was wrong. I didn't account for the weather, as this thunderstorm hit the island unexpectedly. We were preparing to leave as a crack of lightning struck. We started to run out but it was too late, I barely got out. The house was engulfed in flames and I was terribly injured as I pulled myself with the last of my energy outside to the shore. That is the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

I woke up with no memory of the past events, with a young girl with ashy brown hair and hazel eyes standing over me. I tried to sit up with no success. I couldn't feel anything. There was pain everywhere and nowhere. All I could do was open my eyes and watch the girl in front of me inject morphine into my system. I was relieved when the pain slowly resided and I could finally focus enough to wonder who this girl was, and what had happened to me. The pain slowly resided and the girl in front of me finally introduced herself. I must've looked confused because only when she looked over to check on me, she started to speak. Her name was Hannah Rooney and she called me Harry so I could only assume that that is my name. Over time my injuries healed and I got to know Hannah better. I learned that I was lying on the beach when she came with Jackson Currie, a sailor, and carried me aboard. She saved me because of the hippocratic oath and only because of the hippocratic oath. For some reason she had a weird hatred towards me, it was like she regretted saving me and helping me but she could do nothing about it. I didn't know how I triggered that reaction from her, though I now know. But, that part doesn't matter right now, Hannah and I were both still teenagers, but we fell deeply in love.

After a couple months, I realized that I really liked her, and she started to warm up to me too. I wanted to break that wall that she always had up when she was around me. We started to have a real relationship and it got pretty serious a little later on.

Around a year after I recovered, I regained my memories and I was horrified at what I had done. I finally found out why she had an unexplained hate for me. Her sister, Kaylie Rooney died in the house fire that day. The fire that I set, it was all my fault. I finally knew why she had an unexplained hatred towards me even after I was near death. I should've died, some could say it is survivor's guilt, but it's true.

I thought about killing myself multiple times, but Hannah, my sweet Hannah wouldn't let me go over the edge. I felt horrible, but she forgave me multiple times, she loved me no matter what and I, her. I knew I couldn't go back to my old, spoiled life. For one, people have thought I was dead for over a year, and two, I didn't deserve it. Not after what I had done. So, Hannah and I, we stayed together, and then she got pregnant with you. I am so sorry that you were given away, but it was not my choice, and Hannah had to think of your future. I wouldn't be able to handle taking care of a child because you were a secret from mine and your mother's families. I ran away in the middle of the night while she was sleeping, for her own good. She could finally have a good life, but then again, her home life wasn't all there either. If anyone found us, that would mean that they found you. We knew they wouldn't approve of you, and they would make you feel out of place in this world where I came to learn that money and wealth came above all else. You would have a better life with a family that accepted you as who you are, and I hope we were right. But now the time has come for you to learn the truth. My story before that fire, and everything else. The whole truth.


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