Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter you are about to read, but Chapter 8 will definitely be longer. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!

Chapter 7

POV: Melody Jones

As soon as I get back to my motel, I grab my already packed up suitcase and backpack and leave. I check out of my room and start walking towards the new place I booked. I think all I need right now, is an actual bed that is not outdated and infested with bedbugs and some time to think about my next move. I think of life as another long chess game, as in, we are all playing the long game. Of course, it is Toby's move now, since I already went to the park where he may or may not have seen me. I honestly don't know. I have to plan ahead. If he did see me. . . well, I don't know. I guess I have to wait for him to come to me.

Oh! And, I am here. I spent too much time thinking about this whole situation on the way. I walk through the front doors of the hotel, to be greeted with a modest size waiting room. The floors are wooden, and blue accent paints hang on the white walls. There is a small sitting area with light blue and white chairs. There are multiple light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the room. It felt comfy and cozy, and I could already tell this hotel would have no crunchy carpets and cockroaches. I already spotted two elevators, and let out a sigh of relief. I wouldn't have to drag my luggage up several flights of stairs again. I walk up to the front desk and talk to the lady there..

"Hi! I think I booked a room last night for a few days under Melody Jones?"

The receptionist looks up and stares at me for a second like she is processing what I said before responding, "Okay, give me one moment." She starts typing on her computer.

I am not going to lie, it seems like she doesn't enjoy her job. I mean, on the outside, she puts on a smile and acts like the person everyone wants to interact with, but she is miserable. But, hey, don't listen to me. That is just my take on her based on the way she sighed before responding to me. Or, she is just having a bad day.

Okay! I am spiraling a bit, definitely off topic, but honestly! How long does it take to type in one name?

"Oh! Melody Jones, there you are. I see you have booked a single bedroom?"

"Yes, that's correct." I say, wanting to sound professional for some reason.

"Okay," She turns around to grab something from behind her. It looks like a card of some sort. She hands it to me. "Here is your keycard, and there is a WiFi password in the room. Also! If you need anything, just call room service on the phone, okay?"

"Yup, thank you! Have a good day!" I look down at the card, and printed on it is my room number: 213. I guess that means it is on the second floor. I walk towards the elevator, and prepare to do more research on this confusing riddle.

POV: Tobias Hawthorne II

As soon as Avery and I finish breakfast and part ways, I speed walk back to that motel that I saw that girl staying at. I just need confirmation on who she is. She looks too similar to Hannah. I pass by the park again, and continue walking. I walk into the building and the receptionist looks up at me.

"Welcome to Castle Motel, the best motel in New Castle, Connecticut," she says, "would you like to book a room?"

"Hello, no thank you. I just wanted to ask, did a girl named Melody Jones just stay here?" I ask

"Oh! Sorry, I am not legally allowed to share that information, I did see a girl with long brown hair and a blue suitcase just check out of here a minute ago."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, thank you!" I feel the chances of finding the girl who looks like Hannah slipping away.

Disappointed, I walk back down the road and think about where she could have gone, of course, she could have gone back to wherever her home is. But I couldn't ignore the fact that it felt weird she left so suddenly. Why not at least spend a few more nights until she solved the riddle I wrote for her?

I continue my path down the sidewalk, passing small diners and rundown shops. I put my hands in my pockets thinking about my Hannah, looking off into space. I see the hotel to my left, and stop in my tracks. Of course, it's not the most beautiful hotel but it is still a hundred times better than the other motel. She could have just checked out of the gross, old motel just to check into a better one. I knew it was a long shot, she could be anywhere by now, but it wouldn't hurt to check for her. I need to talk to my Melody, explain what was happening to her. Explain about my past and my family.

I walk through the double doors of the hotel, and immediately take in my surroundings. Looks like your average hotel, receptionist and elevators. A few people at the front desks, some waiting in the sitting area. It's a pretty small room, not too many people in here. I let out a small gasp, I see her. I see Melody.

She's right in front of the elevators with her luggage. I could tell by her hair that it was definitely her. She looks just like Hannah. The elevators are slowly opening, and I know this will be my last chance to talk to her. So I run up to Melody before she has the chance to get on the elevator. It may feel like a last second choice, and it is. But I know it is necessary. She's about to get on the elevator when I say her name.

"Melody, wait!" I say as a last attempt to get her to notice me.

She turns around and her eyes widen with recognition. So she does know who I am. Why did she leave then?

I know she is wondering how I know what her name is, but when she turned around at the sound of her name, my suspicions were proven to be correct. Time to get ready to have a very serious conversation.

She stares blankly for a few seconds before responding, "W-what do you want?" It turns from shock to anger, "Why would you leave me like that? You told me to stay away, who was the girl? Where is my mother?"

The last question makes me freeze, I can answer any other question but that one. Just the thought of her makes me want to break down on the spot. But, I know I have a responsibility to Melody, and that I must answer, because if I don't, then there was no point in me chasing her in the first place.

I sigh, "She's dead."


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