Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

POV: Melody Jones

"That would be nice, but first can you tell me your name?" I cross my arms, observing this stranger. He comes out of the wall, the secret passage I mean. I am sure there are many around the house, because after all it's another form of a puzzle. The boy in front of me looks a little younger, possibly 16, though he is very tall.

He stands up straighter, proudly announcing, "Xander Hawthorne, what a pleasure it is to meet you." He holds out a hand, and I hesitantly shake it, processing what he just said.

He is one of the grandsons, but I wouldn't have suspected that because he and Grayson look different in every way possible. Xander Hawthorne has light brown skin, and his hair a shade darker. I do suppose that it seems he likes puzzles as well, because he was in a secret passage. But he still seems like Grayson's polar opposite, all smiles and charm, unlike Graysons cold and rock-hard demeanor.

He pulls out a scone from inside of his suit jacket, it looks like it came from nowhere. He takes a large bite out of it, and then starts talking. "So, I still have no idea who you are Melody, but I assume to get in you have already met my lovely brother Gray. So, I do hope you're not a threat, because I'm going to give you a full tour of this house." His words jumble together because he is still chewing his scone. But I do hear his sarcastic remarks about Grayson.

"Have you met my other two brothers yet?" He swallows the rest of the scone, and focuses his gaze and smiles down on me. I haven't seen him not smile once. The Hawthorne brothers have already surprised me a lot, so I'm wondering what the other two will be like.

"No... not yet. I just got here and was escorted to my room by Grayson. I have only had the chance to meet him and Avery."

"Ah, today's just a day full of unexpected surprises! Poor Gray, not taking losing the inheritance too well. You'll have to ignore his meanness, I would say he's not usually like that but I would be lying. The whole 'billions of dollars lost to some complete stranger' thing has just added on more meanness." He shrugs, and pulls out another scone offering it to me. I shake my head.

"More for me!" He exclaims, taking another big bite of the scone. "Now it's time to start the tour of the Hawthorne House." He starts walking quickly down the hall. I have to jog to keep up with his long strides.

"So, the exact square footage of this house is unknown, but I can tell you it would be a very large number. My grandfather added at least one room or wing every year so it has grown quite a bit. Hawthorne House just happens to be the largest privately owned residential home in all of Texas! I know that's quite a surprise, considering how many billionaires live in this state." Xander talks at the speed of light, it's hard to follow his words. "This house is very special, not just because of the many secret passages. My grandfather added a new part to the house every year, so every year it just expands more and more and more." We reach the staircase Grayson and I went up to get to my room, he started quickly descending it.

"In the wing that we are in, we have a couple of rooms, a library, our very own bowling alley, and a few other rooms. Of course, there are secret passages everywhere, and I want to show you one of my favorites!" He grins, and continues walking down the hallway. It's all overwhelming, so many unmarked doors and long, twisting hallways. I have no idea how I'll ever be able to find my way through this house without getting lost.

On the way to wherever the secret passage is, Xander takes me into every room that isn't locked, basically, every room that is not off limits to guests. I go through too many rooms to count, and see so many impressive things. And, although Xander is the youngest, he does seem to be the brightest, the most inventive, and the most fun of course. He's interested in everything scientific and seems to know what he's doing in life.

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