Chapter 4

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Ok, here we go! It has been a few days since I have posted since this chapter is pretty long. It took a while to edit. Enjoy! Btw, bear with me on the riddle, I tried. 👌

Chapter 4

POV: Melody Jones

Find her in at the Bishop's Place

She's my first love

My queen

Don't go and reveal yourself

For she will only run away

There you will find history, and possibly the future

Beware of hidden dangers

That follow us everywhere

You can choose to take on this challenge, or forever wonder what could've happened. If you go and visit your family, be careful with your identity and only tell those who you truly trust, those who you know will respect your wishes. I know that you are amazing, and I will respect your decision whatever you choose. I will always be watching over you until the day I die. I truly hope we will meet again, I love you.

-Tobias Hawthorne II, your father

I don't notice the tears in my eyes until it is too late. They spill over. These three letters are the only thing I have from my biological father. The only clue to my life, the life I could have had. I don't take any time deciding, I already know what I should do. I need to solve the riddle. There is a quiet knock on my door, disrupting my thoughts.

"Melody, sweetheart, are you okay? You have been in there for a while," asks my mom. Even without seeing, I know that the door is open, and that she is looking at me with concern in her eyes. It is just her motherly nature, and I love it, but right now, I don't really want to tell her about what I have just read. I take a deep breath. I need more undisturbed time to solve the riddle, and figure how I would follow wherever it leads me. I need to prepare to take a risk.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need some more time to read over the letters," I say, my voice cracking with tears rolling down my face. I don't look up at her, not wanting to show her how messed up I am right now.

"Ok. Just please tell me if you need anything," her voice wavers. I can picture her with a small frown, her eyes sad.

"Thank you, I will. Good night,"

"Good night, Melody," she says. I hear her footsteps receding, and then focus my full attention back to the riddle. I need to break it down line by line.

But first, I can't stop thinking about the note that he wrote after the riddle. He said 'I truly hope we will meet again.' He also said that he left before I was born. I've never met him in my entire life, so how has he met me? Have I encountered him before, perhaps just in passing? I think that even that could be something significant later on, but for now, the riddle.

The first line in the riddle had said "find her at the Bishop's Place" I don't even know what Bishop's Place is. I feel like I should first find out who "her" is. My father had said she was his first true love. Does that mean she is my mother, or does he have another true love?

I sigh and lay my back to the bed, so I face the ceiling. My brain is already hurting, and I can feel tears on the edges of my eyes, seconds away from falling. They can't fall, I am stronger than that, so although my facade is starting to crumble, I do not cry. Not a single tear. I question everything. Is it even worth it solving this? This was written 18 years ago. For all I know my mom could have moved from wherever Bishop's Place was. If she even is my mother.

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