Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys, wow, two updates in one week. I never would have thought, but expect another update next week.  Also, disclaimer, some of the dialogue in this chapter was taken from The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. This is because I rewrote a scene from the book in this chapter to kind of show you the timeline. Enjoy!

POV: Grayson Hawthorne

I lead Avery and Libby to the wingback chairs and walk to the front of the room to stand with the lawyers and my brothers. I watch as Nash introduces Nan to the 2 sisters quietly, not wanting to join in on the conversation. I wonder, why is she here? I have never even heard of her, nor has she heard of us.

No matter how many times I look at her, all I see is an ordinary teenage girl. But Hawthornes know that what may seem ordinary is mostly likely hiding secrets.

I watch as Avery excuses herself from the group and walks outside the grand doors. I already know how my brothers will act around her. She is unquestionably beautiful, but nonetheless, Jameson will think of her as just another piece of the puzzle. Although, I do wonder what my grandfather has left for us this time. Xander on the other hand, will see another opportunity to make a friend, and win at the same time like he always does. Nash, Nash is never around, he always won the games when we were little, but she will be like a little sister to him.

I turn and make eye contact with Alisa, she looks worried for Avery. She knows of our games and riddles, but of course, what can she do? I return her look of skepticism, knowing that Avery won't fit in.

After a few minutes, Jameson walks in wearing a forest green blazer with his hair messy but styled, and a big grin on his face. I will take that as a sign that he had a little run in Ms. Goody two shoes outside. Even though some may think he is sober, I know better. "You're late."

His grin just grows larger, "I know, but it was worth it." I sigh realizing that although Jameson is here, we are still missing Avery now.

I understand that she may feel overwhelmed here, she just flew here and walked into our house, but I also know that she is not to be trusted. I contemplate this for a couple minutes and start to wonder where she wandered off to.

I see Jameson looking at something and turn as well. It's Avery. He smiles in her direction and gives her a salute as she gives a small smile back. I have quite the opposite reaction. My posture becomes stiff, and my jaw is set. I am worried that Jameson might be falling for an outsider. Every Hawthorne knows that we don't deal with outsiders. It doesn't matter anyway, she'll be gone soon. That's what I think and hope, but in my gut, I know that she may be staying longer than that. It's always a game, more than I want it to be.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started." The McNamara, Ortega and Jones lawyers stand in a triangle formation. "You are here, to hear the last will and testament of Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne. Per Mrs. Hawthorne's instruction, my colleagues will now distribute letters he has left for each of you." Mr. Ortega explains and projects his voice throughout the entire room.

"You may open these letters when the reading is concluded."

The other men in the room walk around and hand out the envelopes. One of the men hands an envelope to me. It says my name on the front in fancy calligraphy, and I hold it neatly behind my back. Mr. Ortega continues.

"Mr. Hawthorne stipulated that all of the following individuals must be physically present for the reading of this will: Skye Hawthorne, Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris, Nash Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne, and Ms. Avery Kylie Grambs of New Castle, Connecticut." I go stiff. The one name on that list that doesn't belong. The one person who doesn't share our last name. I glance over at her. She seems nervous, avoiding everyone's gaze.

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