Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

POV: Melody Jones

I wake up, and before I try to stay in bed, remind myself that I have to get up and go to the park. My stuff is mostly packed, so I do my morning routine consisting of washing my face, brushing my teeth, going to the bathroom of course, and getting dressed.  Just the normal things. I don't believe in showering in the morning because you are going to get dirty throughout the day.

 I don't believe in showering in the morning because you are going to get dirty throughout the day

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Her outfit xD

I take a small purse just to hold my phone and a few other small things. And I am on my way. I walk out of the motel room, and start walking towards the park following the google maps on my phone.





Left.  again.

The walk to the park isn't that long, only around 5 minutes. It is about a normal size with some benches, a playground, and of course an area with stone chess tables with matching stones to sit on.

It has overgrown trees lining the sidewalks, the leaves bright and green. The grass is still wet with dew, and goes up to my ankles. I make my way over to the main section of the park.

There are barely any people, just a few sitting on the benches. Most are elderly people playing chess at the gray, stone tables.

I go under the shade of an oak tree, and quickly close my eyes, mouthing the riddle from memory.

Find her in at the Bishop's Place

She's my first love

My queen

Don't go and reveal yourself

For she will only run away

There you will find history, and possibly the future

Beware of hidden dangers

That follow us everywhere

This riddle made no sense. All I know is I am looking for a woman who was my fathers "first love." My mother.

If this letter was written 18 years ago, then how will I even know if she's still here? She can be anywhere in the world.

I take a full 360 of the park, turning around slowly. I have to make sure I don't miss one important detail. Who knows how hard solving this riddle would be. As I  take a closer look at the people playing chess, I notice two people that immediately catch my eye. I took a few steps closer, but still made sure I stayed in the shadows so they wouldn't see me.

One of them is a girl who looked to be in her teens. Her hair is very close, if not the exact same shade as mine. She is playing chess with a man who looks like he is in his late 30s, maybe 40 years old. I suck in a breath.

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