Chapter 8

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It has been a while since my last update, but here you go! I hope to update sooner now. ENJOY

Chapter 8

POV: Melody Jones

I hear the words, but I don't. Did I know her? No, but somehow that made it hurt even worse. I will never be able to meet her, my chance is over because now she's gone. I can't get any words out of my mouth, which is hanging open. I am staring off into the abyss, stuck in my thoughts. My face feels warm, tears built up in my eyes.

I must have zoned out because I am snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Tobias's voice, "Melody? Are you there?" he asks. But all I can think about is that I finally found him. What should I call him? Dad? Toby? Tobias? Or will I even see him enough for that to be a problem? All of these questions pop into my head all at once, and suddenly, I'm overwhelmed. It's too much, I–i– don't know what to think or do about what's happening right now. All my life hoping to meet my real mom and dad, and finally, finally my dad is standing right in front of me. I should be happy right? I think so, but all I wonder is, would it be different if my mom were here? All I think is, I'm missing out on so much.

Don't get me wrong, my foster mom is amazing, she's really great. But, she's not my real mother, the spot for that relationship in my life has never been filled, and never will be.

I have to know what happened to my mother, I have to know what to do now, I need to process this, and all I can say is, "Wha- what?" my lip trembling as I stutter out the word.

I finally took in the presence of my dad. He's standing right in front of me with a look of worry and anticipation plastered on his face, like he knew he would have to have this conversation with me soon. He sighs and speaks, "Your mother, Hannah Rooney, passed away from an illness a couple years ago. Mel, I'm so so sorry," He talks with a pained voice and expression.

I just look at him and give him a look that says to go on.

"I'm sorry for everything. Leaving although it was necessary, and giving you this clue to follow. I guess since the unexpected happened, there is no point in me keeping this from you anymore. I'll explain everything.

You already know why I had to leave, I just couldn't stand it anymore," He looks up for a moment with a pause, "I had and still carry so much guilt over what happened that day. I had originally written this letter and riddle when I thought you would be able to meet your mother again. And for that, I am so very sorry Melody. It was never my or Hannah's intention to strip you of your mother figure in life, and we tried our best to compensate, but it obviously wasn't enough. I wanted you to meet your mother, and she would've guided you through everything I am about to tell you." He takes a deep breath, getting ready for the story. We walk over to the sitting area, but my mind is out of it. I am just staring blankly, while my brain is in a spiral. Once we sat down, he starts telling the story.

"If you read my letters, then you know about the fire, and how your mother and I met. You know about what happened when I found out I wasn't a real Hawthorne, that I technically wasn't the heir. What happened that summer is well in the past, but it still haunts me everyday. The three people who I thought I could actually trust are gone, and I blamed myself for everything." He closes his eyes for a few moments. It seems like the flashbacks are coming to him.

"My father is billionaire Tobias Hawthorne, and I am Tobias Hawthorne II," he looks down. "The news has spread that he has recently passed, and the reading of his will be in a couple days. I think you should go to the house. Meet who could have been your family, and be there for me since I cannot go back." The spirals in my mind were gone, replaced by nothing. It felt like it's taking  hours for me to process, yet in reality it was seconds.

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