Chapter 17

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A/N: WOW its been a while, sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully I will have time to update a lot more now.

ALSO THX FOR 5K (almost 6K)

Chapter 17

POV: Melody Jones

I panic, what do I say? "I was going through my wardrobe and I found a lever. I pulled it, and this appears. Decided to explore it a little, but I think I've seen enough." I know he doesn't buy it, but it's all I can think of right now, I hope it's enough. I start to walk through the doorway, but he stops me.

"Did you find anything interesting?" He's giving me a chance to fess up, but I won't, not yet, I can't. I just want to leave.

"Nothing much, I don't think I will ever get the hang of this house completely, there are so many doors, passageways, stairs, and rooms." I want to leave, no I have to leave. "Well, I'll see you later."


I have a lot to think about. On one hand, Jameson's on to me, as if my being here wasn't already suspicious. But, I can't abandon this, these people, my dad, my mission. I never even wanted to be here, I was happy, I had a family. A family that cares for me; a family that loves me.

People think that the quote is, "Blood is thicker than water," but it's really, "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." It means that the bloodshed in battles makes the bond between soldiers stronger than their relations with their biological family. But for me, the bond is between me and my adoptive parents.

After Jameson left, I went to sleep, I was way too tired to have my mind bouncing different thoughts around. I am not surprised at the accommodations, well not anymore. Though, I kind of knew what to expect when I arrived.

It's Friday morning, and I am sitting on a barstool in the kitchen looking out the window. I saw Xander leave for school a while ago, I wonder if Avery is going to go to school today. But my question is answered when I see a black SUV start-up in the roundabout driveway and a glimpse of Avery in the backseat as Jameson slides in.

My thoughts wander back to last night. What did he leave with her? What did she have to read? Why did he think it meant it was all a riddle, a game? There's only one way to find out, she won't be home for a while anyway.


I never should've done this. The fear of getting caught only grows as the seconds pass. I am currently sneaking through the halls behind the visible walls of the home. I will never forget where that lever is now. I retrace my steps back to where Jameson was talking to Avery, where I heard their conversation. But when I get to the wall, I can't figure out how to open up the door. I try and try for minutes, but is the only way in if someone opens it from the inside? The stakes just got higher. I go back to my room and figure out how to get into Avery's room. I dont even know where her room is, or how to get there through the normal hallways.

So I go 'exploring'.

I go door to door, opening them one by one until I see one like the one I saw through that little crack last night. And when a maid or worker passes by, I put on a clueless face and look around at the art that covers the walls. And finally, I open a door that leads somewhere I want to go.

I enter Avery's room, and it's fairly empty, I guess she hasn't settled in yet. I peg her as the type to save, not spend. I guess a fortune like this one doesn't change that. I look through drawers and find very little clothing in the closet, and then again in the bathroom. I observe the rest of the room. It looks untouched except for the bed which was clearly slept in.

And finally, my eyes land on the nightstand next to the bed, specifically, on the white envelope sitting on it. I walk towards it and pick it up. But, the only thing on the outside is Jameson's name, which is written in the most fancy writing I have ever seen. A letter it is.

I open the envelope and brush my hands over the paper. It even feels expensive. But, that doesn't matter right now. I unfold the letter that is tucked inside, but it's shorter than I expected.


Better the devil you know than the one you dont—or is it? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All that glitters is not gold. Nothing is certain but death and taxes. There but for the grace of God go I.

Dont judge.

—Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne

I don't know what to think of it. But, all I know is that I need to leave right now. I quickly pull out my phone to take a picture of it, and tiptoe towards the door. Opening it slowly, and quietly, and look around for anyone who may be passing by. When I dont see anyone, I leave and walk through the hallway like I'm supposed to be here.

That's something I have learned in my life. "Fake it till you make it." Whoever said that first is probably a winner in every way imaginable. If people believe it, all you gotta do is keep up the act. And so, that's what I did. I walked around the hallways like I knew where I was going like I was supposed to be here, and like I owned the place, and no one stopped me.


No one stops me at first.

I'm close to my room when I catch someone taking steps in my peripheral.

It's Grayson. He's looking down at his phone, it seems important. He's wearing another grey suit, it seems to be the only thing he wears.

Should I say something? He hasn't noticed me yet. "Grayson."

He looks up and finds where the sound came from. We lock eyes, and for a little while, there is only silence. I feel vulnerable, it's like he's staring into my soul, while I look at his icy blue eyes. They pierce into my skin and I can't seem to bring myself to speak. But, he breaks the silence and for some reason I miss it.

"Where did you come back from?" He's confused, or maybe Jameson and him have talked, and he knows.

"Oh, I was just wandering around, getting a feel of The Hawthorne House." It's believable, I tell myself.

Not really.

"Oh," he says. I didn't see him as the type to act awkward, but maybe I was wrong.

I'm never wrong.

In an instant the awkwardness is gone, nothing but a stone-cold expression left on his face. "Why are you really here Melody?" The way he says it is accusing but curious at the same time like he's trying to figure me out. It's funny because we both do that. Our conversations are like a planned sword fight scene in the movies, they are elegant but well thought out and always strategic.

"Like I said before, I know something you dont. I'm here to make sure you find what you were always meant to know." I speak in a cryptic way, hoping it sparks his curiosity.

"I'm tired of games, you may stay a few more days, but if I don't find out why you are really here, you will leave." His distrust takes over him, but I understand. So many changes have occurred in his life in just a couple of days, it's only fair. I guess I will have to speed this up a little bit. I need to make sure I find out the truth before them or along with them. Now that I am here, I feel the need to grow closer to them, I want to get to know my family.

Before I can leave, I hear footsteps coming from down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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