Therapy Session

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Therapy Session: NF

[A/N- something I think is important to note, I did my research on many mental illnesses for this chapter! So please don't go to the comments section and be like "that's not how it works" that is how it works in every article I read so- 🖕]


3ed POV-

"Explain it to me again, Ibiki. What happened when you went into Obito's mind?"
Anzen asked as she paced the floor. They were all sitting in one of the hospital offices, more specifically Anzen's office. Kushina was sitting in a corner trying not to cry again, Minato was sitting at Anzen's desk pinching the bridge of his nose, and Ibiki was leaning against one of the walls.

"It was strange."

"Strange how?"

"It was like- almost like he was keeping me out of certain areas."
His brow was knit together, even he didn't understand what he had seen in full.

"So it's not Obito"
Minato dropped his hand on the desk, looking up at the other two.

Ibiki shook his head.
"No, it is him! I know from what I did see that it is without a doubt him!"

"So what did you see?"
Anzen asked.

"Where has he been all this time?"
Minato chimed in. 

"Most of what I saw was simply him with team seven. I was allowed into a few memories of him with you, lord third, and your wife. But that was it. The memory always faded out the moment he went home, anytime he was out of your sight,"
He nodded to Minato.
"He was out of mine. I've never had someone successfully keep me out of their mind."
He rested his chin on his hand.
"And as for where he's been... I don't know. He's memory again cuts out after that mission's failure."

"How is a child keeping you out of their mind?"
Anzen ran her finger through her hair.

"Maybe he's not keeping me out, maybe he simply doesn't remember."
The tall man shrugged.

Minato scoffed.
"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Can we please just move him to an actual hospital?"
Kushina's voice choked from the corner.
"He's not a criminal! He shouldn't be here!"

"My lady,"
Anzen paused her pacing and spoke softly.
"I can not, as a good doctor, authorize such a transfer!"


"You saw him in there! The way he looked at you! The way he acted! A normal hospital is not fit to handle something like that! I am! And my place is here, therefore so is his! Just until I'm sure he's stable enough."

"What if he never is?"
Minato asked.
"What if there is no stable ground for him? What if this is all that's left of him?"

Anzen sighed, turning to face the Hokage.
"Then you may have to say goodbye to the boy you once knew"

There was silence. Long, painful, silence. Minato was trying not to cry now and Kushina quietly was.
"What do we do now?"
Ibiki spoke up after what felt like a thousand lifetimes.

"Nothing. Not for today! The poor kids too riled up for anyone to go near him."
Anzen sighed, sitting down on a small sofa she kept in the center of the room.
"Tomorrow I can perform a mental evaluation on him and we'll see where to go from there."
She looked up at Minato and he nodded.

"Whatever you think is best."
He stood up.
"I trust your knowledge."
He went to his wife, offering her a hand. She took it and stood, following him from the room. Minato took her home, cooked her dinner, and read to her until she fell asleep. He hopped to ease her mind in some way. He honestly didn't know what to say, or do! He just did his best.

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