Nothing Ever Changes

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Nothing Ever Changes (Nico Callins)


Itachi was sent away on a mission out of the village that morning, per his fathers request. The man in question was pushing his way through doctors and patients in the hospital. He grabbed a doctor by the arm and halted them in their track.
"I'm looking for a patient, goes by the name Tobi."

The doctor hummed as he looked through over the papers in his hand.
"I don't see anyone with that name~ oh! Here, you must mean that mental patient."

"Mental patient?"
He quirked a brow. Announce clear on his face. Itachi had wasted hours "helping" I kid with some fake issues.

"Yes, I'm sorry I can't take you to him, he's not stable enough for any visitors not approved by lady Anzen."

"I see. Would you at least tell me where he is?"

"Of course! Room thirty-seven, on the fourth floor."

Fugaku nodded and turned away.

"Have a nice day!"
The young man chirped before going about his work. The Uchiha head casually strolled through the hospital, no one daring to question him or his reasons for being there. As he made it to the fourth floor we was a heavy change from the others. Unlike all the ones below this level was almost empty. Only a few doctors here or there. It was so quiet he could hear his own footsteps echoing off the walls. He counted doors until finding the right one. Standing outside he looked in. There was a boy in there. Possibly fourteen-fifteen. His head was turned, staring out the window with its curtains pulled back to show the whole view. His hair was messy and ratted, reaching down just below his shoulders. He wore a white shirt customary of the hospital and the blanket around him were crumpled and twisted around his legs.
Fugaku might have turned and left if he wasn't so curious about this boys face. He carefully tried the handle. It was locked. Looking about he spotted no one in the hallway for a long while. So he slowly broke off the handle and pushed the door open. He stood in the doorway, waiting for the boy to notice him and look his way. But he didn't. He only stared about at the gardens below the hospital and the village beyond. The sun filling his room with golden light.

"Your name is Tobi? Correct?"
The man finally broke the silence, arms crossed over his chest. The boy showed no signs of surprise at the sound of Fugaku's voice. Only turning slowly to face him. Both froze. Both stood utterly still.
"You? What is the meaning of this? You Bastard child!"
He shouted. Tobi began thrashing about. Yanking at his cuffs and twisting uncomfortably.

"No! No! Y-you- not safe! Go!"
Tobi stammered, scurrying away on the bed.

"What were you doing with my son?"
Fugaku launched forward.
"What were you telling him?"

"Get-get away! No! No! No!"

Fugaku grabbed Tobi's hair with one hand and his shoulder with the other. Shaking his violently.
"What sick game is this now boy!"
Kicking him in the chest with his frail bodies entire strength Obito sent the man stumbling back. The boy screamed in agony at the pain in his leg, shooting up from where he had been stabbed days ago.

A sneer pulled at his lips and his eyes whirled with amusement.
"Come to play with Tobi?"
His voice squeaked into a pitch far to high for his vocals. He kicked the in-table beside his bed and sent it crashing towards Fugaku. He hit it out of the way. Blood sprayed from Tobi's leg as he screamed again. Sweat bedding on his brow. The world become a diluted blur of pain and thrill. Fugaku pounced on him. Grabbing the psychotic boys throat and pinning him down. While Tobi only cackled and kicked his legs. Red coating his white bedsheets. His small body writhing under Fugaku's weight.

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