Regret/Stuck FUN FACTS✨✨

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Welcome to the part that is going to be a random combinations of random facts about my two Mech-X4 fan fic. Anything from names to little references about me, anyway lets get started. 

1. Dakotas name: "Dakota" comes from the WWE wrestler Dakota Kai. (A handful of my characters are WWE inspired😆)

2. Dakotas middle name: Kotas middle name, 'Rose' is actually my best friends middle name

3. Choosing Dakotas name: When I had the idea for this fan fic and started thinking about names, for SOME REASON I settled and Cassidy, or Cass for short. After deciding on the name and starting to think about writing, I realized there already was a CASSIE  in the show. Then I settled on the name Skyla because I thought that name was beautiful. Thats when I found out who Sky Brown is. After jumping around to like seven different names we settled on Dakota. 

4. Kendalls Wresting Obsession: In the beginning of 'Regret' its mentioned multiple times Kendall has a Pro-Wrestling obsession. If you haven't picked up on it, so do I😅

5. Lucas and Jacksons Face Claim: I knew I wanted to use Charlie Gillespie as Jacksons face claim in the bonus chapters because, well its Charlie Gillespie why not? But it wasn't until I saw a "Surviving Summer" edit on Tik Tok, and somebody in the comments said they thought Kai and Charlie looked alike. It was settled at that second Kai would be Lucas's face claim.

6. Kota and Ryans 'names': So if anybody noticed, Kota and Ryan never used the typical couples names like 'babe' or you know something like that, they always used nicknames, for example no one really called Dakota 'D' except Ryan. Thats because I find it cringey ESPECIALLY in fan fics. They also will NEVER use the stupid 'pet names' that some couples have. Think couple in an amusement park ride line vibes. I REFUSE to tap into that.

7. Converse vs Vans: So if you remember from the bonus chapters, Kota wears Vans when skating while Bryce where's Converse. Because those are my two favorite shoes in which I own 

8. Kotas faceclaim: I seriously didn't come up with one until like a quarter of the way through season two, because I never really wanted to use one, but then I though of Sky Katz after watching Surviving Summer for the first time, so I said, eh why not

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now