[ GN!Reader ] ➜ One Without Food

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         ╰┈➤ You walk in on a small argument between the members of WonderlandsxShowtime

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╰┈➤ You walk in on a small argument between the members of WonderlandsxShowtime. Unexpectedly, the troupe leader(Tsukasa) breaks down. While you rush to comfort him, you're shocked to find out about what brought him to this point.

                                [ WARNING ;; ]
Spoilers for the event "The Phoenix Soaring Near The Sky's Edge"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

                          "I'M TRYING, OKAY—?!"

Shrieked the voice of a certain boy named Tsukasa Tenma. You were unsure of the situation, but you knew that Phoenix Wonderland was preparing for closing. The washed-out-green-haired Nene staggered backwards in surprise, her violet hues wide at her fellow performer. Even Emu fell silent with shock. Similarly, Rui's expression looked horrified.
Upon seeing the shock of his comrades, lower lip quivering, Tsukasa's eyes began to fill with watery tears. The backstage of the Wonder Stage seemed a lot less friendly when the statement member is in tears.
"No, Tsukasa, don't cry—!" Pleaded Emu. "I'm sorry.."
Nene, with a guilty facial expression, heaved a courage-gathering sigh. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to upset you."
Even Rui hung his head in shame. "I— I'm also sorry, Tsukasa."

Sniff.. hic—!

"W-why..?" Croaked Tsukasa, evidently taken aback by how fast he was moved to tears.
As for you, you were confused about the entire situation. Upon spotting you, the star shrouded in the shadows. Your heart momentarily stopped beating.

He never does that.

Evidently worried, you offered him your hand. It wasn't there for him to grab it, though. It was more of a method to show you meant no harm. The blond-to-peach-haired boy dismissed your hand, staggering on his feet as he collapsed into your arms. You instantaneously caught him, your expression distraught. He was clearly still conscious, just far too weak to move.
"Tsukasa—?!" Cried Emu, her eyes wide with shock.
You peered over your shoulder to look into Rui's yellow hues. Without wasting a beat, you hauled the performer into your arms. "Where is Saki today?"
Rui, eyes narrowed as he browsed his memories, shook his head. "I'm not sure," he then eyed the others. "I don't think we should focus our concern on Saki."
"Definitely not," you agreed, holding Tsukasa in your arms bridal style. "Alright, if we have anymore shows scheduled, we're canceling them. Or at least recast."
"It'd be terrible to recast," Nene told you. "We can't just swap out our star.."
"Let's talk about this later," you then decided. "I'm taking him home, now."
"Understood," Rui nodded his head. "I'll handle the stage from here."
"Thanks, Rui." You smiled at him, afterwards rushing out from backstage.

The world felt terrifying. Everything was a mess, your thoughts racing and fighting for first place. Any coherent thought simply screamed the same thing over and over; is he okay? Obviously, you didn't know. It seemed like he was, until you walked backstage and he just.. wasn't. As you ran for it, heading straight for his home, your heartbeat pounded filled your ears. Any other sound was filtered out by rushing thoughts and the sound of your heart rate.
No matter, you could see the street to his house nearing. Your sprint was as fast as you could possibly run, but even that didn't seem to be enough. Lungs unable to maintain steady breathing, muscles numb from adrenaline and eyes squinting against the wind, you skidded to a halt. There it was.
Exhaling forcefully, you quickly rushed up the front steps. Bashing your fist into the door, you pleaded Saki would answer. You attempted to open the door, afterwards cursing. It's locked.

The door flew open.

Saki's face drained colorless upon seeing her elder brother, clinging to consciousness in his fellow performer's arms. "Oh my gosh—! What happened?!" She asked as she stepped aside.
"I have no clue," you replied genuinely, afterwards charging inside of the house. "Couch, that works." You laid Tsukasa down on the yellow couch in his living room.
"Tsukasa!" Cried Saki after she had shut the front door. She rushed to the couch, inspecting her brother. "What happened?"
"Don't be scared, Saki," said he. His voice was so soft. It scared you shitless. "I just didn't eat enough today."
"Are you kidding—?! This.. this isn't not eating enough!" Argued Saki, her tone somewhat enraged now.

I said I could do it.. What the hell should I do?! I can try to raise his blood sugar with candies.. or I can give him food?

"Saki, here," you had found a convenient hard-candy in the drawer of the Tenma estate. "Or would you prefer I give it to him?"
"You, please.." she stood quickly, stepping back with misty-eyes.
Heaving Tsukasa to sit upright, you unwrapped the candy. You then gifted it to him, breathing heavily from the run prior. "Good, good," you inhaled deeply to calm yourself. "Lean back for now. I'll make you food, okay?"
"No—!" He yelled, repulsing at the thought of anything food related.
"Why not?" You sternly questioned.
"I— just can't."
"Grilled cheese it is." You bluntly said.
"Please," he pleaded. "This means a lot to me."
You turned your head towards Saki. "Saki, do you mind leaving for a moment? Upstairs is fine. I'll call you back down when it's okay."
"O-okay.. please feel better, Tsukasa." She scampered off, rushing upstairs.

You crouched beside the couch, taking his hands in yours. It seems he still hasn't taken the candy, either.
"What's going on, Kasa? Tell me everything."
"I— I don't know," he confessed. "I have to do this."
"Do what?" Asking this made you question things. He was being oddly cryptic.
"Uhm," evidently pale-faced, Tsukasa inhaled unsteadily. "I haven't eaten anything in four days."
His confession sank your heart. With an understanding nod, you leaned your head against his knee, a hand on his side. "Look, I know you want to become a star," you sighed. "But destroying yourself won't do it. Let me make you something, okay?"
"I can't be a star," his lower lip quivered. "I've tried so hard.. but I just can't compete."
Cradling his hand in yours, you maneuvered your fingers against his in a feeble attempt at comforting him. "I know you don't see it the way everyone else does. You're incredible, Tsukasa. You might feel like you're not worthy of becoming a star, but everyone else would say otherwise."
"Everyone else..?"
"Rui, Emu, Nene, Miku, KAITO, that one pretty lady—"
"The actress?" He asked.
"Yeah! She's got a clown getup, too."
"Haha, a clown," he laughed a bit. "Did she really say something?"
"Ahem.. quote, 'he really impresses me. I mean, his tragedies always move me somehow. He's got a way with making emotions feel real. Like he takes the play seriously. He learns fast, too. I'm excited to see where he goes. Hey, you need to get it together before he leaves you in the dust', end quote." You repeated to the best of your abilities. Maybe a word or two was incorrect, but the message remained the same.

"Praise..?" He cracked into a smile. "Haha, they think I can?"
"Forget think, she seems wholeheartedly convinced," You replied genuinely, smiling back at him. "There's that smile."
He laughed his usual, thunderous laugh. "Haha! How could I be so stupid!?"
You hoisted yourself to your feet, patting Tsukasa's head. "You're doing amazing," you reassured him, smooching his head. "I'm gonna make you food now. I know you want to be in character, but you can't do these things for a role."
"How'd you know?" He perked his head.
"I'll admit I had a bit of background prior to this. Saki told me how sickly you looked, and I connected the dots from there." You confessed, drying his watering eyes with your sleeve.
His face flushed pink upon being gingerly tended to. "Thank you," said Tsukasa. "I'll try not to let this happen again."
"There we go! You're getting better!" You beamed at him, thrilled to hear his loudness returning.
"Haha! Yes!" He leapt up, striking a pose. "I can do this!"

You latched onto him in a hug, afterwards placing him back down to the couch. "Okay, okay, easy," you nuzzled his cheek. "I love you, cutie."
"Hahaha!!! Yes, I love you too!"

I'll never complain about him being loud again. When my ears aren't ringing from his loudness, it's terrifying.

[ sorry if this was cringy. I did my best, but I can't hurt Tsukasa. I can put any other character through hell, it's just hard to do for him. I guess I'm too attached. I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! ]

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