She's Back

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I got to New York, after a month or so, I stepped down the stairs as I had my faux luggage's, as my purple dress follows my steps, each step with my purple flats and my short hair...around my shoulders moving as I step the last step and walk to the street, as I keep walking I see someone who I recognize quite quickly....Aaron Burr (Sir) with a male who I don't recognize at all I look at him at gave him a small wave he looks at me quite surprised I guess he recognized me because 

he smiled and nodded at me then went back to talk to the....young male, I made my way to the bar we would go to back in the days, as I stepped In I spotted Lafayette and I put my luggage down quickly and he turns to the door and sees me. "Lafayette!" I said while running to him and hugging him "Mon ami! You are back!" I nodded as I backed away "It's been Deux ans! And you look all Belle femme!" I smiled then replied "bien merci monsieur Lancelot" then he spoke again "Wow tu as pratiqué le français?!" I smiled and then went over to Hercules and hugged him "Welcome home Miss Schuyler!" He said I thanked him and went over to John and gave him a

hug too and he Welcomed  me too, then we sat down and they had a few drinks I only was gonna have one but then they started to do a show-


after we all went back inside the bar we had a few more drinks but again I only had one or two, I wasn't much of a drinker, plus the group needs a sober person, "Well mon ami, That is Of course is John, then next to him is Hercules and I am of course Lafayette le Lancelot!" Lafayette said then before I knew it lafayette had a smirk in his face then continued "et cette belle dame is Y/N Schuyler" I smiled and put my hand out so he could shake it but he did take it but he kissed the

top of the hand, then he spoke "Well you hyped us and the people up, and your...moves were-" he got cut off by a french " accent "magnifique" I look over to Lafayette and he was already looking at me he noticed that I saw him and quickly started to talk to john, but then it was time for me to go..."Well it looks like it time for me to go" I said as I got up from the chair and grabbed my luggage "Leaving already?! but we still have time!" John said then Hercules spoke "That is 

true Y/N" then I thought....more like over thinking... what if something happens to them?! what if they get jumped, well they are drunk so- but Lafayette spoke "Mon ami, you are sober so I penser you should stay, to make sure we get en sécurité home" how did he know I was overthinking did make a small feature, did I make a small movement? "fine just because I don't anything to happen you any of you guys"

A/N: welp they got to home safety-

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