Winter's Ball...?

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( Heyy its the author so like I don't want to write like a whole ass chapter about her whole day then leading to the winter's ball so I'm just write like when she gets ready and then the ball- so yeah <3 back to the story)



It was an hour before the winter's ball and Y/N was barely getting ready, she didn't let her sister's help out cause it was a surprise and she told them when they left she'll follow, as she was getting ready she runs into "the box" while looking for her jewelry, "Thomas's letters..." she picked a two up and read them... she put them away and then went to the letter she got and looked through it again

seeing if there was any clues, then she turned it around and she found it... "I love you...Y/N" slowly a few tears dropped but quickly hid the letter again and fixed her make up, then did her hair and finally she put on the dress, the sleeves were down her shoulder, she found one of their maids and asked them to help her with the corset, it was tight but not extremally tight

she told the maid not to say anything about how she looked to her sister's or to her father, soon then she heard her sister's yell from downstairs "Were leaving now! we will see you there!" Angelica said "We love you!" Peggy said "We will be waiting for you with father over at the ball, you'll probably spot us quickly, my dear! be careful!" Eliza said "Okay! I'll see you guys there!" soon well a couple of minutes after they left she followed.

The carriage got to the ball and Y/N stepped out of the carriage and walked inside and well... The Schuyler sister's are the envy of all. Then all eyes on Y/N, people gasping then her sister's turn to the door and gasp too even with their father.


I walked over to my sister's and father and Eliza spoke "Who are you trying to impress!" I was going to talk but Peggy spoke "Probably the Frenchman!" I felt my face heat up then finally my father stopped them "Alright, alright girls calm down, Y/N sweetie you look amazing, now I need to go talk to Washington" then I spoke "I'm going to find the boys" they nodded then I went my way to go find them.

I spotted John pretty quickly and went over to him, It looked like he got lost while looking over at me-

"Joh-" "Y/N is that you?!" I laughed a little and nodded then did a little twirl then I felt a hand on mine and spinning me and then stooped me with a hug.. "You look pretty, Miss Schuyler" it was Hercules "Aw thank you!" then someone spoke

"Wow, you strike me" it was Alex, I smiled at him

then... "Wow...." I turn around and it was Lafayette then my cheeks were hot, I smiled at him but soon "Care to dance, Ma Dame?" "Of course, Amour"

then he took me to dance and well he became the center of the dance people started to dance around us "Handsome.. I didn't know you could dance so well" then we turned and I faced Peggy...was she, then I take a quick glance and she was.. so then the tune ended and I took Lafayette.

"Where are you taking me, Ma Dame?" "I'll change your life" I said with a small smile "By all means, Lead the way" he said close to my ear, I started to feel my cheeks warm but I shook it off

"This is Peggy, My sister!" I said and she bowed and she spoke "It's a-an honor to meet you" "Honor to meet you too, dame" "Thank for your service!" I kept a small smile "If it takes to meet you, then all means" he said as he kissed her knuckles "Well! You too go off and dance!" I said while pushing them, Lafayette chuckled

then I spoke as they were gone "I would never be satisficed..."

I felt tears coming down...but why, I got away from the "party" and found a place, there was paper and a quill "Why not.." then I sat down on the chair and started to write

I was writing to Thomas.

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