stressed out..? or upset...

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It has been a couple of months now, we got to Valley Forge, Y/N and Lafayette share a tent, John and Alex share a Tent and well Mulligan and Ben share a tent! Lafayette went to France for more funds but Y/N forgot that he was coming back today, since she's been busy since the day he left and alexander was gone, he told her, he was going to propose to Eliza, but it looks like she probably forgot that too..

she's been doing paper work for Washington and Alexander so she couldn't leave the tent which would mean she couldn't see John or Mulligan or even Ben much and which would also mean only 2 hours of sleep and then stress...

(Y/N POV| Wednesday,1777 5:30pm)

I haven't slept well in weeks, I was weak, stressed, my hair up just under my shoulders already, in a low ponytail, I haven't answered my own letters, I've only answered the ones that were meant for alexander and of Washington, small not noticeable eye bags but I could tell they were there. Laurens and Mulligan would come into the tent, they would come almost everyday and got to the point that I was stressed out that I told the soldier to tell me if they were here. It had been 3 weeks that haven't been with them. I feel bad but I have to answer these letter's!

after a while I was reading a letter, when a soldier came in "...Yes?" I said in a sorta mad tone "Miss, Schuyler, It's Mr. Mulligan and Mr. Laurens" "Tell them to go away, I'm Busy! And the next time they come again tell them to never come and ask for me!" I yelled, the soldier quickly nodded and left the tent then I continued to read the letter.

(Wednesday, 1777 6:15pm)

I finished half of the letters but I knew there be whole later today at 6:30, I left the tent into the cold weather, I walked past everybody, not many people talked to me anymore ever after I got stuck in the tent from morning till morning, I got to my own tent, I walked in and saw the same pile I saw everyday on my....wait what... I look over to Lafayette's bed and his stuff is there then I look over to his desk and...he's there.. wait am I dreaming?! "Laf?" I said the quill stooped, "You don't answer your own letter's, Mon amour?" "When did you get back..?" I asked "Today, around 30 minutes ago" his English is getting better...Still has the accent though.

" that's why they came.." I said in a sorta sad tone "We heard you, Mon amour, Your just stressed out...Don't worry! It happens" he got up and put the quill away after writing something on the envelope "I answered a little bit of your letter's...I hope you don't mind! I only answered the ones from your family, meaning Alexander too, since you are going to be his sister in law." Oh shit...right.. "Oh yeah...right" I said as a sat down on my bed, Lafayette walked toward me, I was looking at the ground

"Hey...Don't worry we all get stressed, Mon amour" I looked up and nodded... I looked over to the pile that was Jefferson's...I should probably answer that-

"I'll be answering jeffersons letters- and I'll be going back to the office" Lafayette nodded.

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