The letter and the right-hand man/women

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(Y/N POV| 8:25 am)

I woke up and got off my bed then got ready for the day since we didn't have much and of course I didn't want to be a bother to the guys so I just thought it could be a "me day" maybe walk around down town and the park, I put on my light purple headband, then I went downstairs, I got to the door and went outside to check the mail, I looked through the letters to see who it was from and the last letter was for me. "to Y/N Schuyler, From A.H" I said then I went back in and put the letters on the table then I went back to my room and went to my desk then sat down as I opened the letter and it said:

"My Dearest Y/N, I have to inform you that you'll be able to join the war with us, us meaning, John, Hercules, Myself and Lafayette. Which would mean you can be a solider if you wish if you don't you'll be able to a be nurse or even, My own right-hand women, If you shall not want to do any that is completely fine, just write me a letter or tell me in person! I wish you a good day and a great day till we see each other. Love, Alexander."

after a finish reading it, I got paper and my quill and started to write:

"Dear Alexander, I would love to be any but one thing that I was wonder is if I could be two things! Of course if I can't I would love to be at least one! So If I could be two things it would be a Solider and your Right-hand women! If I may not be two things then I wish to be what ever you like if you want me to be a solider I will be! Become your right-hand women then I will be! Love, Y/N/N."

I put the letter into an envelope and sild it with wax then I went downstairs just as my sisters were going to go up the stairs to come get me I zoom past them "I'll get food outside! Bye!" I leave and go to the post office, I dropped off the letter and left.

I was looking for a bakery when I bumped into somebody, "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I look up at the person and it was Lafayette. "It's alright, Ma dame!" he was holding my waist so I wouldn't fall, I slowly backed away and felt my face heat up a little, then he asked a question "So what are vous doing?" he said as he leaned forward to me with a small smirk. "O-oh I was just looking for a good bakery!" he nodded and smiled then garbed my hand and took me to a bakery.

"This is the best Boulangerie I've gone since I've été here!" I smiled at him and he opened the door for me and I walked in, "Hello! Welcome!" a male said, he looked around my age "Hello!" I responded and then I asked for two baguette's "Right away, beautiful!" a very light blush came across my face then he came back with two baguette's I thanked him and payed him but as I have him the money he touched my hand, I awkwardly smiled at him then left with Lafayette.

"I didn't like that man, ma dame.." he said as soon as we left the store, I look over to him "You don't? did something happen between you two??" he nodded no "The way he was en regardant at vous...and how he acted toward vous.." he tighten his lips, I have him a raised eyebrow then I realized that he was jealous, I garbed his hand and smiled at him "Lafayette..there is only one man that has my heart" he looks at me in confusion but he was still jealous...I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek then walked away but he quickly followed then somebody came running to be grabbing my shoulders.

"You- You Can be both!" I knew that voice "Alexander?!" he looked at me and smiled "You can be both! I've already told Washington! and he said it'll be alright!" I smiled at him and hugged him saying "Thank you! Thank you!" but the hug got cut short "So she'll être with us?" and alex nodded.

[Alexander's POV]

"I'm working with a third of what our congress has promised, we are powder keg about to explode! I need someone like you to lighten the load...So?" "I am not throwing away my shot!" "Son! we are out-gunned! out manned" "You need all the help you can get! i have some friends! Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette and Y/N Schuyler! Okay what else! We need some spies on the inside, some kings men who might let some things slide! ill write to congress and tell them we need supplies, you rally the guys, master the element of surprise! ill rise above my stain, organized your information till we rise to the of our new nation, sir!" but then Washington spoke "Y/N Schuyler?" "Yes, sir!" "she's a women? right?" i nodded and he smiled and then I wrote a letter to Y/N..


I was talking to Washington since a ball (Winters ball) is coming up and we had a few things to clear before we leave and make it official about me being his right hand man then a male knocked on the door and then he came in "For Alexander!" he had a envelope I went over to him and took it then the male said goodbye and left, I looked at the letter "It's From Y/N" Washington smiled and nodded then I opened the letter.

"Dear Alexander, I would love to be any but one thing that I was wonder is if I could be two things! Of course if I can't I would love to be at least one! So If I could be two things it would be a Solider and your Right-hand women! If I may not be two things then I wish to be what ever you like if you want me to be a solider I will be! Become your right-hand women then I will be! Love, Y/N/N."

I look over to Washington and nodded "So.." "If she can be a solider, she can be.. just if she needs help if a gun you'll be able to help or your other...friends correct?" he asked "Yes Sir! we'll be their to help her!" "But...she'll also need protection...when I first saw her I knew she'll make history, so from this day forward she'll be like my daughter, on the battle field, on camp, at the ball, and when the war is over" "Yes sir, we'll protect her if she'll need protection!" he spoke again "And as your right-hand women, she'll will be able to do that since what I can read she can write well, like you. So she has my acceptance to be a Solider and Your Right-hand Women" "I'll go fine her!" then like that I left and went to find Y/N


"So guys, we will be leaving after the winter's ball but later today well have to go to Washington's house and get our Uniform, but after today well go look at our camp then head back to our own places" Alex said so then we went to get our uniform Martha took me to their bathroom and I changed in there...even though I did change yesterday Infront of Lafayette..

then Mr. Washington took us back to where we were yesterday "Here comes the general!" then Alex spoke in a low tone "Rise up!" we walked past burr and well he sorta yelled multiple times "What?!" then Hercules and John spoke "Rise up!" then me and Lafayette spoke "Rise up!" then we stooped and turned to the people who were in a line "And this right hand man!" grabbing Alex's arm and pulling his arm up but someone spoke "Who is that with The right-hand man?!" "The general, soldiers, right-hand man and a women?!" "The general, the soldiers, right-hand man and a Beauty!" "The general, the soldiers, right-hand man and..."

"And his own right-hand women....Y/N Schuyler !" Washington said pointing to me with his palm up then alexander then Alex took my arm and rose it up then the people spoke again "Y/N Schuyler!" I smiled and looked over to Alexander and he had a wide smile then we left to the camp...

"It's a beautiful fricking day.."

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