Chapter 0 - "Start Of A Journey"

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"Izuku Midoriya, from this point of time you are a teacher at the prestigious UA academy. Since you don't have much experience as of now, you shall be appointed as the assistant homeroom teacher of class 1 A along with the homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa." Nezu the principal of UA Academy said as he sat on his oversized chair, speaking to Izuku and Aizawa." Oh, thank you Nezu, is there something else that we should know? " Izuku asked Nezu as the chimera sipped his tea." Ah yes, I almost forgot. You two will be staying in you class dorms for their safety." Nezu said in a cheer voice as Aizawa sighed, first he had teach a bunch of eccentric 15 year Olds, and then he would have to live with them too?. Damn it, he didn't get paid enough for this shit." All right, we should be leave right now. Lets go Aizawa." Izuku said as he practically dragged the sleep deprived man out of the principal's office.

Izuku and Aizawa arrived infront of a building which was taller than an apartment complex and had a sign with 'HIGHT ALLIANCE' written on it. 'Damn, Nezu did go over board this time around' Izuku thought as he looked at Aizawa who was trying to open the door to the building. "Hey Aizawa! You know you're supposed to push it, not pull it right?" Izuku asked as Aizawa just sighed and opened the door before entering the dorm, with Izuku following behind him. "So, if I remember. Our rooms are on the top floor right?" Izuku asked his fellow teacher who groaned "Yeah, let's just get this over with. I wanna sleep." Aizawa replied as he and Izuku got into the elevator and pushed some buttons before the elevator started to go up.


The elevator finally reached their destination as both teacher exited from it."Dips on the left room by the way" Izuku casually said before he walked infront of the door which was on the left side, opened it, went inside, and slammed it shut. Aizawa just sighed as he went into the right room, well not like he had a choice to begin with.

Izuku scanned the interior of his room as closed the door behind him. 'I have to say, it's a good place. I have to thank Nezu later' Izuku thought as he threw himself on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. 'Damn, I am going to be a teacher starting tomorrow. Man, I never expected myself to be a teacher, much less a teacher in UA. Well, that can wait till tomorrow' The greenette muttered to himself as he slowly drifted into his sleep, dreaming about how his students would be.



Izuku's hand turned off the alarm as he groggily got up from his bed before doing a few stretches. 'Morning already?' He mumbled to himself as he entered the bathroom to get ready for his job. Half an hour later Izuku came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Opening his closet, he examined his clothes as he thought about what he should wear today. He took out a plain white long sleeved shirt, a black suit, a black tie, a boxer and a black jeans before closing the closet. It took him 15 minutes to get dress and do his hair as he was still tired. Slowly opening the door of his room, he got out and locked his room before walking straight and knocking on the door infront of him. "Yo, Aizawa! You there?" Izuku screamed to the underground hero as he waited for a reply "Yeah. I am coming down can you cook breakfast? If not just make two cups of coffee, it should be enough for both of us." Aizawa replied as Izuku sighed. "I know how to cook. Just come down quick, we don't wanna be late to the class do we?" Izuku said to him before walking to elevator, chuckling a bit as he heard a dain 'Yeah, yeah' from his sleep deprived colleague.


Izuku stepped out the elevator as he walked to the kitchen, quitely humming a tune as he did. He opens the fridge to find numerous things but he simply pulled out a few eggs and closed the fridge. He took out a pan from the shelves as he turned on the fire and set a medium flame. He poured just a little oil before letting the pan heat for a moment. After the pan had heated to his liking he cracked two eggs and poured their contains on the pain as he sprinkled some cumin powder on top of it. He let the jelly like substance settle down before he took out the omelette from the pan and placed it on a plate. He repeated the process once again before he made two cups of coffee as per his friend's request. Izuku also finished setting the table as he suddenly heard the elevator come down.

Her jerked his head to see Aizawa as the hero just walked to him and sat on a chair. "Omelette?" The hero questioned as Izuku just smiled innocently at him before sliding a mug of coffee to him. "Remember, drink it after finishing your breakfast. Got it?" Izuku asked, still maintaining his innocent smile as shivers went down the poor heroes spine. Izuku himself sat down net to Aizawa as he quickly ate his breakfast before chugging the mug of coffee down his throat."Well. Come on finish up. We have to go." Izuku said in a playful voice as Aizawa mumbled something under his breath.


Our loved teacher duo stood i front of the class they were supposed to teach as both of them sighed. 'It seems that this batch will be a handful, huh?' Izuku and Aizawa though at the same time as they looked at the bunch of kids in the room.

Well that's chapter zero done! Do tell me how it was. Although it's too short for my liking but I think 995 words is fine for a Prologue. Right..... Right?

Anyways I tried a new style, dunno if you can tell or not but yeah. Also, criticism is welcomed.


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