Chapter 3: Meeting the Friends

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" Hey guys" Tara greeted them as she look at the shocks face of Mindy and Chad. They went inside with all the things they bought earlier.

" Who's are they?" Tara asked looking at the new faces in their apartment.

" Tara, this Quinn, our other room mate." Sam said pointing to the red hair woman. "And this is Ethan, Chad's room mate and Anika, Mindy's room mate." Sam added, pointing to the curly haired man and black haired girl.

" Nice to meet you... I'm Tara Carpenter, Sam's sister and this is my-our room mate Allyson Nelson." Tara introduce Allyson who wave at them.

" Hey. Nice to meet you guys."

" Allyson, these two are twins Mindy and Chad Meeks-Martin." Tara introduced her friends to Allyson.

" Hey! Nice to meet you guys, Tara told me some things about you." Allyson said.

" She did?" Chad asks curiously.

" Yeah. We got to know each other earlier and she mention that she has two friends that came with them in New York." Allyson explained.

" Oh. It's nice meeting you Allyson." Chad said along with Mindy.

" Say Allyson. What's your favorite scary movie?" Mindy asks making Sam, Tara and Chad look at her incredulously.

" Mindy!" They scolded her while Allyson look confused at their reaction while the other two look wide eyes.

" Train to Busan is my one of my favorite right now but what I like best is the American Psycho ." Allyson said nonchalantly.

" The one we watched earlier today. It's a great movie." Tara explained seeing their questioning look.

" Never watched it." Mindy said found the movie interested.

" You should. I'm sure you'll never regret it." Allyson said.

" Ever watched Stab movies?" Mindy asked once again.

" Your the third one that asked me that and it make me curious what kind of horror movie Stab is." Allyson said as Tara look at Mindy trying to covey to stop what she's saying.

" You never watch any of it?" Mindy asks in surprise.

" Never. But maybe I should start watching it since your the third one that ask me if I ever watch it and I heard from Sam that you and your brother are fan of it." Allyson said as Mindy look at Sam with a raised eye brow who gave her a warning look.

" I think its better if me and Allyson organize her things and rest. We got tired buying all the things she needed. Night guys!" Tara said dragging Allyson to their her room.

" Do you really have to ask Allyson about that?" Sam asks.

" Its a reasonable question. And you have to find it weird that she never watched Stab movies. All of us here watched it." Mindy explained.

" Not all of people watched horror movies, Mindy. And from what Allyson told us, she never has time to watch movies." Sam said.

" You have a point there." Mindy agreed.

" Where does she came from?" Chad asks curious.

" She's from South Carolina." Sam answered.

" Never heard of the place before." Mindy said with a shrug.

" Ooohhh... She came from that scary place? No wonder she move to New York if she came from South Carolina." Quinn said

" You heard of that place?" Sam ask in curiousity.

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