Chapter 4: Trust

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4 months After

Allyson tensed, walking inside her mother's house. Finding the silence unnververing.

" Mom" Allyson called out looking around the dark room. She went upstairs and gasp seeing a pool of blood in the floor and lying on the floor is her mom covered with blood and stab.

" Mom!" Allyson shout in agony and shock. "NO. NO. No. Please be okay. Please" Allyson sob as she take her mother's dead body in her arms.

" N-no... D-don't leave me... Please. Mom." Allyson beg and when she turn around, she was face with a familiar masked of Michael Myers holding a bloody knife, going to stab her.


Allyson's body jerk in surprise from the nightmare she have. It's still bugging her everynight whenever she sleep. Having a nightmare about the death of her parents, friends and love ones by the hands of Michael became the last straw and because of that, she swear to do her best to protect her love ones, she prepared herself so she will not feel helpless when the time comes, especially now that her grandmother is not here with her to protect her. They only have each other left.

" Ally... you okay?" Tara sleepily asks as Allyson turn to Tara who is resting her head on Allyson's side, holding her waist.

" Y-yeah." Allyson said looking at the clock seeing that it still 2 in the morning. " Go back to sleep Tay. It's still early." Allyson encourage Tara who nod and close her eyes as she went back to sleep, holding Allyson close to her while Allyson plays with Tara's hair, luring the girl back into sleep.

Allyson smile as she watch Tara's sleeping face with a smile on her face. Its one thing Allyson never expected is to find friends as soon as she move to New York.

She become great friends with Sam, Chad, Mindy, Quinn, Anika and Ethan. And what she didn't expected is becoming closer to Tara Carpenters. Their shared secret of their past is what got them closer to each other. Allyson didn't know but she become comfortable with Tara that she start explaining her past to her. And at the same time, Tara explained what happened in the Woodsboro.

Her story made Allyson become more protective of Tara. Aside from hanging out with their friends, the two of them hang out together like watching tv, going to shooting range, kart race, having coffee together that strengthen their bond. And somehow, Allyson know how to handle Sam's overprotective nature and ease her worries.

And days passed as the two find comfort in each other whenever one of them can't sleep


Allyson was studying in her room when there's a knock on the door in her bathroom. Allyson knows that sje and Tara share a bathroom so she knows who is it. She looks at the clock seeing that its midnight and wonder why Tara is still awake. She open the bathroom door, seeing Tara smiling sheepishly at her but Allyson notice her tired eyes looking at her.

" Can't sleep?" Allyson asks as Tara nod.

" I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" Tara asks in worry that she woke up Allyson.

" I'm still studying. Why don't you come in and tell me why you look so stressed." Allyson said letting Tara inside. She went to Allyson's bed and both sat down beside each other.

" J-just nightmares..." Allyson understand Tara's having her own nightmares. " I'm afraid that they will be back to finish us off" Tara admitted.

" Your in New York now, far away from Woodsboro and I'm here. I will not let anything happen to you... I promise" Allyson swear, bumping Tara's shoulder with her own making Tara smile as she lean her head against Allyson's head.

Scream 6 (Tara Carpenter x Allyson Nelson)Where stories live. Discover now