Chapter 6: Paranoia

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" A-Ah.. I-I think you should consult with another therapist. I should report you but I-I can't deal with it." The therapist said fumbling around the documents as he refuse to look at Sam.

" What? Why? You told me to share something and now your saying to find another therapist." Sam argued, confused why the therapist reacted this way, he keep pestering her to share her past and now that she did, he start saying to find another therapist to deal with her problem.

" Good night Miss Carpenter. I'm sorry but I can't help you with your issue." The therapist said as he lead Sam to his front door.

Sam sigh as she walk back to their apartment. As she passed by some of the street, she saw the police gathering around a building that worry her a bit.

Sam dialled her sister's number but went straight to voicemail that added to her paranoia. She quickly went back home and to lock the door securely before calling out for Tara but only found their room mate Quinn who is having sex inside her room.

" Where's Tara?" Sam asks Quinn who look guilty.

" Okay... Before you overreact and get angry. Promise me not to get angry " Quinn said slowly making Sam confused

" Why would I be angry. I'm just asking where Tara is?" Sam asks.

" Remember when she ask you if she can go to a frat party with her friends?" Quinn asks.

" Yeah. And I remember that I told her not to go." Sam answered.

" Well... Your sister clearly went to the party with her friends." Quinn answered guiltily making Sam stare at her incredulously.

" Seriously? Did Allyson came with them?" Sam asks, knowing that Allyson always text her whenever she, Tara and her friends go to some places so she won't get worry. It's unlikely for Allyson not to text her.

Before Quinn can answer. Their lock is opened and enter Allyson who is carrying her bag and books. Allyson can feel their stare making her look up seeing Quinn and Sam staring at her.

" Hey. How are you guys?" Allyson asks locking the door behind her.

" Is Tara not with you?" Sam asks.

" I thought she's with Chad and Mindy. " Allyson answered, confused by Sam's question.

" I thought you came with Tara to the party." Sam said as Allyson put her books down to the table and look at Sam.

" I was busy studying for my exam so I can't come with them to the party. Tara keep asking me to come to the party so we can dress up as pirate but I have lot of studying to do so I can't come. Why?" Allyson asks.

" Well... Tara went to the party even if I said no." Sam said

" Can't blame her. She really was looking forward to the party." Allyson said with a shrug.

" Can't she see how dangerous it is especially people wearing those stupid costume." Sam rant as Quinn approach Allyson.

" Is she gonna be okay?" Quinn asks Allyson who watch Sam rant.

" She will be. Why don't you go back to your boy toy and I will handle Sam." Allyson said in amusement making Quinn smile.

" Ohhh. Thanks Allyson, your a livesafer." Quinn hug Allyson who pat her back and went back to her room.

" Allyson. Come with me. Will be going to the party." Sam said.

" Wait. What? Me too? Can't we just wait for Tara here?" Allyson asks

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