Chapter 8: Ghostface

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" Okay nerds! Listen up! As terrifying as it all is. I'm glad that I get to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time. Now its my time to shine." Mindy said standing up in front of the group who are gathered in the campus to discuss about the recent ghostface.

Allyson listen as Mindy rant about Stab movies and that they are now in franchise. Allyson tried to understand everything Mindy is saying since she doesn't have any detailed context but from what she's hearing, the killings in ghostface has a pattern and its always 2 killers and are in the group friends and its different from the previous killings since anyone can die especially Sam and Tara. Allyson tense thinking of anyone hurting Tara and can't help but pull Tara closer to her who look at her in concern and squeeze Allyson's arm in comfort.

" Wait. Am I part of the group?" Ethan asks in worry looking at them for confirmation.

"Am I gonna die virgin?"

The others look at him wierdly while Allyson snort and stop herself from laughing which recieve an elbow from Tara who is also stopping herself from laughing.

" What? You know that its funny." Allyson whisper to Tara who smile.

" I know but not the time." Tara whisper back as their attention went back to Mindy.

" Too much over sharing but okay... Which bring us to our suspects. First, is Ethan... The shy dorky room mate who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy started

" Me? Why me? Because I randomly  become Chad's room mate?" Ethan said in his defense.

" But you could ask to be room with him." Mindy argued back.

" Quinn, the slutty room mate. A horror movie classic." Mindy said kissing her fingers.

" Sex positive... But thank you?" Quinn said in confusion of what Mindy is saying.

" How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asks, raising her brow.

" I answered the anonymous ad online." Quinn answered nonchalantly as she look at Sam for confirmation who nodded in agreement along with Allyson who done the same.

" Say no more! You've already implicated youself enough." Mindy shouted outting her hands together.

" It was an anonymous ad, Mindy. And plus, her dad's a cop too." Tara added in Quinn's defense.

" Then its more likely she's the killer since she have her cop dad for a cover. Don't you remember what happens to the movies?" Mindy snap her finger to Tara who just gave her a look and lean her body against Allyson in defeat.

" Anika." Mindy step closer to her girlfriend who smile in return. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy continued making Anika eyes widen and lost her smile.

Allyson eyes widen hearing Mindy theories. She wonder what is Mindy thought of her since from her understanding. Anyone is a suspect even herself.

" And lastly... Allyson." Mindy turn to Allyson who tilt her head looking at Mindy.

" The unknown mystery character that was never part or heard of the ghost face until now and came far away from New York and Woodsboro. Tara's love interest and become fast friend to the  previous victims. Being in a psychotheraphy course is a good way to manipulate us. " Mindy stated.

" L-love interest? And I'm sure that's not how psychotherapy works." Allyson stammered, blushing along with Tara who glare at Mindy for her statement.

" Allyson is not aware of ghostface until I told her. I doubt that she is one of them." Tara said firmly, trusting Allyson is not ghostface. Allyson smile in gratitude and squeeze Tara's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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