Chapter 7: It's happening. Again

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Tara, Allyson,Chad, Mindy, Anika, and Quinn are sitting in the living room watching some movies in their tv when the movie was cut off and a news report suddenly showed regarding an incident. The three tensed up hearing the word stab and the names of the victims.

" Holy shit. Its happening again." Mindy muttered in shock then slap her brother's arm.

" Quick. Call Sam." Mindy stated.

" On it" Chad said running downstairs to call for Sam.

" Oh my god. That's disturbing." Anika said watching the news about a ghost face mask killing people.

Chad went back, followed by Sam and a guy next on their apartment.

" What's happening?" Sam asks arriving.

" Hey. Who's the cute boy?" Quinn asks pointing to Danny, wiggling her brow.

" He's Danny..." Sam introduced to her friends.

" You should watch this." Mindy said pointing to the tv.

A college teacher was found dead in the alley. And two students found dead in their apartment, full of stabs and one of them are beheaded. There's some witness says that they saw a ghostface mask in the scene.

The people inside watch the news happening in front of them. Allyson can feel Tara tense in her arms, she rub Tara's arms making her relax and lean her body against Allyson, relaxing more.

" Holy shit. That was our film teacher and those guys are our classmate that are obsessed of what happened in Woodsboro." Chad said in shock. Sam turn off the tv and look at Tara.

" You have to pack. We have to leave the place. Now." Sam said going to the kitchen, checking the knives.

" What? Leaving?" The guy asks in confusion and shock. They turn their attention to Danny, noticing his presence.

" I think its time for you to leave." Mindy said shooing the guy.

" She's right. This is now a private matter. Shoo. Shoo. Bye lover boy." Chad said as shoving the guy outside the apartment making him confused. Chad lock the door seeing the sister argue to each other.

" What!? No! Its just a coincidence, Sam." Tara argued.

" Its not a coincidence, Tara. You know those people. We have to leave now." Sam said in her defense as Tara look at her incredulously.

" Stop being a paranoid Sam, I'm sure its not connected to us. It's maybe other people trying to be ghostface." Tara said then turning to Chad and Mindy. "Come on guys. Tell her."

" Well... Its kinda close to our home and the timing is..." Mindy trailed off, hesitant since it doesn't look like a coincidence.

" It's too much for being a coincidence." Chad said, agreeing to Sam and Mindy.

The phone began to ring making the four to become tensed as they look at Sam's phone which is on the table. Sam rejected the call and look at Quinn, Anika and Allyson who look confused.

" Why the hell did you all freak out when the phone rang?" Quinn asks inredulously as she look at their behaviour. The four remain silent as they all take a deep breath

" Nothing. We should hurry and leave this place. It's not safe anymore " Sam said looking at Tara who clearly don't want to leave

" No. Before you decide to abandon my college life. Why don't we think it through. Quinn, your dad is a cop. Right? Maybe you can call him." Tara said to Quinn who nod and start dialling her father's number.

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