Chapter 5: Party

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Inside the house are people partying and getting drunk, some of them are making out in every part of the room. We can see Mindy and Anika making out in the sofa while Chad scrunch his nose.

" I know you two are together and I'm happy for both of you but that's still my sister, Anika. I don't want to see my sister making out." Chad complained, stopping the couple from making out while Ethan is blushing, getting uncomfortable at the party.

" You're just jealous that I have a girlfriend and you don't." Mindy teased her brother who gruble, still moving on from Liv's death.

" Shut up." Chad mumble then look around. " Looks like Tara didn't escape Sam's watchful eyes." He added looking that its already 9 in the evening.

" Can't really blame her. The last party we went almost got us all killed." Mindy said nonchalantly.

" Doesn't it bother all of you that you almost killed in a party but you still attend one?" Anika asks her girlfriend who smile at her.

" Killing doesn't stop us from living our life just like our uncle Randy." Mindy said hugging her girlfriend close to her.

" Isn't that Tara?" Ethan asks looking at the door seeing Tara enter followed by Allyson.

" Tara?" They all asks following Ethan's gaze and see Tara, followed by Allyson.

" Tara!" The quad greet hugging Tara then turn to Allyson. " It's been a while since we hang out together Allyson." Mindy said hugging Allyson followed by Anika and the others.

" Sorry about that. Just got busy in studies. Though I'm here for party." Allyson said.

" Did the two of you join forces to escape Sam?" Anika asks, knowing how protective Sam is.

" Sam actually knows I'm coming to this party. I already have a go signal from her." Their jaw drop hearing Tara answer.

" Sam let you go to a party?" Ethan asks in disbelief.

" Yeah... We just agreed to some terms but at least I get to enjoy some party." Tara said.

" Well, we all got out drinks. You and Allyson should catch up to our level of drunkenness." Chad said showing the glass of alcohol in his hand, clearly wasted.

" I saw the alcohol on the table. Why don't we mix some and play some beer pong over there." Allyson pointed out excitedly making Tara eyes lit up and drag Allyson to the tables filled with alcohol.

As the times passes, the group of friends enjoy partying and getting drunk in the party. They are all having fun and trying forget what happened to their past and living their life in fullest.

Allyson and Tara enjoys playing the beer pong while  getting drunk then dancing on the dancefloor as the music start getting lively.

" I'll be getting more alcohol. Do you want one?" Tara yelled through the loud music, as she's standing near Allyson's ear.

" Sure! I'll just wait here!" Allyson shout back as she resumed dancing. Across the dance floor, their friends watch them in amusement especially Mindy and Anika.

" 5 bucks says that they are already together but hiding their relationship." Anika stated looking at Allyson and Tara's interaction.

" Nah. I bet you 10 bucks that they're still not together and both are too dense or in denial to notice their attraction to each other." Mindy stated in amusement.

" What are you two talking about?" Chad asks, stumbling in the sofa, hearing what Mindy says.

" Just betting if Allyson and Tara are already together or not." Mindy nonchalantly said.

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