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for the second or maybe third day in a row, i've lost track at this point, i wake up with a hangover of some kind. the sun beating through the closed blinds beam into the bedroom and burn my sensitive eyes. when i sit up, my head feels like a snow globe that's been violently shaken by a small child and the ache of my hips make me wince.

why were the blinds closed in the first place? we never close the blinds facing the water because we love waking up and seeing the water from our bed.

we. our. trevor.

memories from last night come flooding back all at once. my eyes widen and i feel like i could be sick. i peer down at my body. i'm completely naked. i instantaneously flip over and rip the sheets off of trevor who lays on his stomach, arms outstretched above him.

when i see his bare ass for the third time on this trip. i let out a high pitched, horrified scream and jump out of bed. my scream makes trevor snap his head up and look around confused, his body in fight or flight.

"what happened?" he asks.

"oh my god." i pace the room, hands going to the roots of my hair and pulling. "oh my god we're naked in bed together. this is terrible."

trevor just stares at me.

"you!" i point an accusing finger at him.

he points his index finger back at himself i a questioning manner.

"what did you talk me into?" i screech.

trevor furrows his eyebrows and widens his eyes. "penelope rephrase that. that sounds really bad. plus you came on to me!"

i look up trying to piece together all of last nights incidents. "did i?"

trevor shrugs. "i don't know i was hammered."

i stand with my head in my hands and contemplate life in its entirety. how can i go on with life now that i've slept with trevor. and how am i going to admit this to celeste and jack? i'm not one to take "i told you so." very well.

when i look up i see trevor leaning back, his palm holding him up, sheet low on his hips, smirking at my naked body. i blush and try to cover myself up.

"stop looking at me like that!" i throw one of the small throw pillows at him.

he laughs when it hits him in the chest. "like what?"

"like you've seen me naked!"

trevor groans and throws himself back in the bed, looking up at the ceiling. he's laughing slightly and i crawl back into bed and cover myself up with the thick duvet.

"okay. okay!" i sigh.

"okay?" trevor questions.

"okay! we were both drunk and sex deprived. we-"

"we had sex, penelope." trevor calmly states.

his demeanor is pissing me off. i'm a basket case, he's acting so cool about it. he's just as chill as can be. me on the other hand, is wracking my brain trying to make sense of all this.

"it was one time. never again. and we're never talking about it again." i ramble to no one in particular.

trevor sighs out, still looking at the ceiling. "penelope?"

"yeah?" i look over to him.

"i need you to do something for me."

i rapidly nod. "anything."

"be serious." he hits me with the pillow he was gripping against his chest.

i lay back in the bed, mirroring trevor. my back against the soft cloud bed, eyes staring at the ceiling, focusing on one blade of the ceiling fan that spins around and around making me slightly dizzy.

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