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Hi, I'm Georgia Finkle. I'm Harper's younger sister. My mom and dad are a couple of not-so-successful entertainment artists. Their odd behavior shaped Harper and her fashion sense, but for me, not so much. They raised me and Harper at a circus, but they cared about their careers. I would usually talk to them sometimes, and they know about my feelings for Justin. They're always there for me and Harper when we need them. That's what family means to me. I've known Justin since we were little and I also know about his secret of being a wizard. Mr. Russo made me promise to never say anything about their wizard secret. Besides, if I did say something about their secret, I wouldn't be able to see Justin and his family anymore. Alex and Max are mischievous when it comes to pranking their brother. I wouldn't never prank with them at all. When my parents are out of town, I would hang out with Justin and Zeke while Harper hangs out with Alex. I don't like it when Gigi and her duo wannabes make fun of Alex and Harper. It gets on my nerves so I would usually insult her to her face. She always backs off when I do that because she knows I'll never forgive her if she does make fun of them.

In the future, I want to be a detective because I love solving mysteries and I'm observant. I do very well in school alongside Justin. His parents also know about my feelings for him. The Russos are like another family to me and I'm really grateful for them. Who knows that I'll fall in love with a wizard? Do humans mix with wizards? Maybe it really is true. Normality can handle a lot of magic and love.

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