Chapter 3: I Almost Drowned in a Chocolate Fountain

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Me and Harper were walking down the stairs until we noticed Alex walking over to us with a happy smile on her face

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Me and Harper were walking down the stairs until we noticed Alex walking over to us with a happy smile on her face. What could she possibly be happy about ? That's what I'm wondering. She will probably tell us now.

"Check it out. I got an F on my Spanish midterm." said Alex, happily.

"Why are you so happy about it?" said Harper, asking her.

"Because Riley got an F too. That means he's been paying as much attention to me as I've been to him. Failing Spanish is hard work."

"How is failing Spanish hard work?" I said, asking her.

"Every day, I show up late so he'll definitely notice me. Then I forget my textbook so we have to share one. And finally, I let the teacher catch us passing notes so she keeps us both after class."

"That is hard work. You must be exhausted." said Harper.

"That's why I sleep during History."

Riley walks over to us.

"Hey, Alex." said Riley, greeting her.

"Hey, Riley." She said, greeting him back.

"A bunch of us are going to this cool restaurant, Medium Rare, on Friday night. Wanna come ?"

"Oh, sure, Medium Rare. I go there all the time."

"But it's new. Friday's opening night."

"Oh, Medium Rare. I thought you said Medium Roar. You know, like, bigger than a kitten and smaller than a lion. You know, like a cougar. Anyway, it's out by the zoo."

"You both can come too." He gestures to me and Harper.

"Well, we might as well, since our best friend never took us to Medium Roar," said Harper.

Riley walks away from us.

"Look at that. All those hours I didn't spend on studying totally paid off." said Alex, so happily.

I then noticed Justin walking this way towards us.

"Oh, no. Here comes your brother. I think he's coming over here." I said, pulling Alex to the side while Harper followed us. "Oh, he's so cute. I never know what to say to him."

"Just talk about current events. He loves current events." said Alex, mentioning it to me.

"Hey, guys." said Justin, greeting us.

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