Rain Fire and Devastation

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Observer watched as her Siren subordinates fell in around her and the Orochi. A smirk adorned her face as the fleet tore through the sea.

At the back of the fleet, one particular Siren bore a familiar tattoo on her arm. Alpha was well disguised as she fell in with the others. Espionage was her forte and with Somnium officially in the fray, she needed to ensure that her information was good. She moved further up in the fleet formation and began feeding information back to Somnium.

On board the command carrier's bridge, Y/n and Somnium looked at a holographic image of Orochi.

Somnium: "Seems like it's outfitted with nuclear capabilities... or something similar at least."

Y/n: "I see. Phalanx, you getting this?"

Phalanx: "I am, admiral. I will bring up the rear and act as a defensive bulwark if this thing decides to fire."

Y/n: "Understood. Though it will hardly be necessary."

Phalanx nodded before the fleet moved into position. Y/n then spoke over a loudspeaker aboard Somnium's ship form. The Sirens halted as they heard his voice thundering across the ocean.

Y/n: "Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. If you have come here to fight, then you will do naught but die in agony. Return from whence you came, lest you be hailed with Nova Cannon and lance battery fire. This is your first and only warning."

Observer stood on Orochi's deck with a grimace.

Observer: "... Forward."

The Sirens didn't hesitate and followed her orders as they began their advance. Y/n watched as they began to move and a smirk carved itself onto his face.

Y/n: "... Good. We can give a full demonstration of the Imperium's might. ALL SHIPS, RAIN FIRE UPON THE SIRENS!!"

Back at the base, the other ships waited with bated breath to hear the sound of combat. They could hear Y/n's voice from there, so surely they would be able to hear the fight.

Silence hung over the sea for some time before it all erupted in one massive wave of sound. Unicorn fell backwards from the sound of the mighty explosion of gunfire, even from so far away it sounded as though one of the battleships was firing right next to her ears.

In the middle of the conflict, Alpha dropped her active camo and used her rigging to grab one of the Sirens and rip it in two before hailing fire on the others with her macrocannons while her Lance batteries thundered the Orochi's hull, its shields could do nothing against her own power, add the fire from the other imperium and chaos vessels, the Orochi was rapidly being torn asunder.

Observer looked up with panicked eyes as Imperator Somnium descended from on high. Her gold and red eyes shone coldly down at her before she swiped her arm to one side and her main lance batteries rained hellfire upon the Orochi.

Observer scowled as she heard the ship being ripped apart about her ears. Her scowl turned to a smirk as a single rocket was fired from the main silo. The Imperium ships watched as it sailed past them and shot towards the Azur Lane base.

Y/n watched as nobody moved to intercept.

Y/n: "Is nobody gonna get that?"

Imperator Somnium: "Give it a minute, child."

Y/n raised an eyebrow before watching as the missile cruised off into the distance.

Back at the base, Enterprise watched with wide eyes as the missile fell towards the ocean. She closed her eyes and expected to be annihilated.

However she opened one of them after a while and saw the missile in the grip of a giant fly-like creature. She felt her heart sink as the creature devoured the missile.

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