7 Stalking Continues

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I wake up with my head laying on his bare chest. I blush and move off of him in an instant. He groans, "Mhh good morning (y/n).." he mumbles. "Good morning Michael" I smile slightly. Suddenly I feel his strong arm wrap around me, making me blush. He pulls me into a hug. I hug him back of course.

His legs tangle with mine, his leg between my legs. I close my eyes and let my guard down again when I hear something.


Michael and I both look towards the source of noise. "It came from the window, I hope it's not him" I say whilst hiding under the blanket. He sits up and looks down at me, "Stay here, I'll be right back". I watch him get up and put on some sweatpants. He walks towards the window and opens the blinds. "It's him!" I screech.

"Let me in you stupid fuck!!" I hear him yell through the window. Michael closes the blinds and puts a shirt on. "Where are you going?" I ask curiously. "I'm gon' talk with him" he says furiously, opening the door and walking off. I walk after him, I want to know what he says. Michael storms out. I peek through the blinds and watch them.

"Bring her out to me!". "No, you have to leave my property! I will certainly not tolerate some ignorant abuser roaming on MY property. Leave and don't come back please!" he raises his voice at my ex. "Who are you to tell ME what to do?! I'm a cop, I can detain you!". "Last time I checked, you shouldn't abuse your job's power the way you abused your girlfriend. Now leave my property!". "What are you gonna do? Huh?! Call the cops?! HAHA". "Maybe, I think there might still be cops out there that know the rights". "You son of a bitch. Just bring her out, I want to talk with her!" Daniel says and storms towards the door again. Michael stands in front of it. "Not so fast, you're already trespassing enough don't you think? Or do I have to read a cop my rights?" he smirks. "You.. Let me just talk to her!". "No, she's scared of you, to the point where she doesn't even want to see you in court!". "I don't care!".

Michael looks fed up with Daniels bullshit. "Leave. Now." he tells him through his gritted teeth. "Fine. I'll be back later though and you better bring her out to me before anything bad happens!" he laughs and leaves. Michael scoffs and walks back inside, locking the front door. I run up to him and hug him. "Were you listening the whole time?". I nod and look up at his face, "He said he'll come back later..and he told you to bring me out before anything bad happens" I tell him worried, burying my face into his chest. "I know, but you don't have to go out there if you don't want to, I'll protect you, even if it means taking a few hits from your crazy ex..". "But I don't want you to get hurt!". "I won't.. now let's go calm down okay?" he says then walks over to the couch with me.

I cuddle myself close to him and he lays his arm around me. Should I just go outside when he comes back? But I'm so scared of him, what if he hits me again? I don't care, I don't want him to hurt Michael. But I'm scared..



Someone bangs on the front door. It can only be Daniel again. He gets up and opens the door slightly, "What?" Mike says annoyed. "I said I'll be back, now bring her out or there will be consequences" Dan says whilst popping his knuckles. "I told you already that she's not comfortable to see you". "I said, bring her out or there will be consequences!". "She said-" I cut Michael off and look at Dan, standing behind Mike peeking my head forwards. "What do you want Daniel" I ask in the most monotone voice ever. "Ahh, there you are" he says amused. "What do you want? Stop stalking me please, I don't want to see you ever again. The last time I want to see you is in court, even then I don't want to see you". "Oh~ the little bitch learned how to speak up? Haha, pathetic, you won't ever get rid of me" he laughs. "Whatever, leave now please" I say, still hiding behind Michael, trying not to sound scared or nervous even though I'm about to shit my pants. "Bye, don't ever show up here again" Mike says angry and shuts the door, locking it.

He turns around to look at me, "Hey, you didn't have to talk to him you know?". I hug him tightly again, "I know, but I didn't want anything bad to happen to you..". "Aw, that's sweet, but weren't you scared?". "I was but I wanted you to be safe..". He smiles slightly, "But you don't have to protect me, nothing that bad would have happened". "With him? To be honest, I'd trust that he'd show up with a flamethrower or something". Mike giggles, "Really?". "Probably" I giggle as well.

"Can we just, uhm, relax in your room and cuddle? Cuddling with you makes me calm down.." I ask him blushing slightly. "Sure" he giggles nervously.
We both lay on his bed and I snuggle close to him. He puts his arm around me. I move around making my shorts ride up. He sees my thighs and looks worried. My eyes rip open as I notice that he saw my self harm scars on my thighs and the bruises from Daniel. I quickly pull my shorts over them and burry my face in his chest. He embraces me, "Hey, it's alright..at least they're not new right?". "Y-yeah, I guess..".


"I'll go take a shower, I'll be right back okay?". I nod and he walks to the bathroom.

I sigh then hear the water in the bathroom turn on. I look at the ceiling while waiting for him.
He walks into the room, damp hair, masculine body.. only wearing boxers. He looks dreamy. "What'cha looking at huh?" he giggles, noticing that I was in fact looking at his body. "I uhm, I- I was just uh, looking?" I stutter nervously. "Sure, whatever you say~" he smiles and gets into bed with me. He hugs me tightly, "Goodnight (y/n), sleep well". "Goodnight Mike" I smile then slowly fall asleep.

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