9 Court

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*beeeeep beep*

I wake up to Mike's loud alarm. I turn it off and rub my eyes. "Mh, Mike wake up.." I shake him lightly. "Mh yes?" he groans. "Court is today, go get ready please". I get up and walk to my room to dress myself.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see Mike standing there, wearing a suit. I blush, he's so handsome-  "(y/n)?". I shake my head, "Y-yes?". He smiles, "Are you ready to go?". "Y-yeah I am". He giggles and walks towards me, placing his hands on both of my shoulders. I look up at him, "Hey, it's gonna be alright okay?".

-at court-

Mike and I sit next to each other, I don't dare to look at Daniel. Not one glance.

"All rise".

We all get up and the judge enters, "Alright, you all may be seated". We all sit down. "So, Mrs. (l/n), you claim that the defendant, Daniel Grey, has been abusing you. How so?". "Yes your honor, my ex, Daniel has been abusing me verbally, sexually and physically". "I see, how long has this been going on for?". "About 5 years now, he started 1 year after we started dating" I gulp, looking up at the judge. "Alright well-". "That's not true! She's a liar!" Daniel yells. "Silence! You can speak when spoken to!" the judge tells him, "well, as I was saying, these are some serious allegations against the defendant here, do you have any proof?". "Yes, I do, may I approach the bench?". "Yes, you may".

I get up, grab the folder of pictures and walk to the bench, I hand the judge the folder, "In this folder are pictures of just some bruises I received from my ex". The judge looks through the folder, well I can see in these pictures how badly bruised you are..", she looks at me,"And those scars can still be seen now? When did 'he' give you these?". "Yes, these are the most recent scars I have, I got some of them the night before I ran away". "He gave you those? How?". "He grabbed me hard, threw me against walls or on the ground, threw empty beer bottles at me, punches and hits me". "Okay, how often would this happen?". "Everyday" I say, walking back to my seat, grabbing Mike's hand tightly.

"I see and about the sexual abuse, what would 'he' do? How often did that happen?". I take a deep breath, "He'd either grab me and force me into bed and tie me up, he had sex with me without my permission multiple times at night. Or, I'd be asleep and he'd take advantage of me. He sexually abused me almost every night.." I squeeze Mike's hand tightly. I wish I could hug him right now. "I see.. I see... That sounds horrible..  Why didn't you seek help earlier?". "Because of his threats your honor, he'd threat me that if I told anyone anything, he'd do bad things to my family and to me, besides, he's a cop and people tend to believe him more because of that..".

"Okay, well, defendant, what do you have to say to that?". "She's lying your honor! I would never hit the love of my life!". "How do you explain all of the bruises then?". "She's just uh, very clumsy!". "The way those bruises look to me doesn't seem like they're from 'being clumsy'". "Well uhm, but it's the truth! She always trips down the stairs or runs against things". The judge looks at me, "Is that true?". "I am clumsy, but not like that, I got all the bruises from him". "Well, okay, how do you explain...

Blur. I cling to Michael, hoping this will be over soon.

-after Daniel desperately tried to convince the judge and our lawyers pinching in-


"I declare the defendant to 15 years of prison, as he is responsible for physically, verbally and sexually abusing  Mrs. (l/n)". I jump in excitement and hug Michael. "But you can't do that! I'm a cop!". "You were a cop and you'll never be one ever again" the judge tells him and I grin slightly at her comment. The security takes him and escorts him out.

Michael and I walk out of court and I jump at him, he catches me and giggles, "I told you we would win!". He lets go of me and I look up at him, his big dreamy eyes making me even happier. I grab his face and kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you so much Michael, this means a lot to me" I say full of joy. Holy shit did I really just kiss him on the cheek? I walk towards his car pretending that nothing happened, Michael walks behind me and catches up. "W-wait uhm, no problem" he smiles, his face is bright pink and I smile. He opens my car door for me and I sit in it.

-at home-

We walk in and take our shoes off, I walk towards the shower, "I'm gonna shower real quick okay?". "Sure go ahead".

-after shower-

I step out of the shower and dry off, shit, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Well shit. I wrap the towel around myself and unlock the door. I walk out, cold air hitting my exposed legs and shoulders. Michael stares at me then quickly looks away blushing, "S-sorry oh my god". "It's okay, I just forgot my clothes" I tell him walking to my room. Phew. That was nerve wrecking. I change into my pyjamas and walk back to Mike's room.

*knock knock* "Come in!". "Sorry for walking by half naked before, I forgot my clothes" I tell him nervously. "I-it's okay, really" he blushes slightly, "Do you uhm, want to sleep here again?". I can hear the nervousness in his voice, "If I'm allowed" I smile and sit on his bed. "Of course you're allowed to, I like cuddling with you". I blush and lay under the covers, hugging him tightly, I look up at his handsome face and kiss him on the lips. He shrugs back, but kisses back, I seperate the kiss. He looks at me shocked, blushing uncontrollably.

"T-thank you so much Michael.. sorry for kissing you I just-I just felt like it-" I stutter nervously. Fuck, I just kissed him. Oh no. "I- it's okay.." he licks his lips, "You're a very good kisser..". "W-wait- You're not mad at me?". "Of course not, to be honest, I kind of liked it actually.." he giggles nervously. "You did?". "Yes..". Blush takes over my face and I bury it in his chest. He giggles and runs his fingers through my hair, "It's okay, goodnight (y/n)". "Goodnight Mikey" I mumble into his chest. God that was so embarrassing. >~<

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