10 Kiss

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I wake up cuddled against Michael like every morning. I'm still thinking about the kiss yesterday. Did he really like it?

"Hey, good morning (y/n)" he yawns. "Morning Mikey" I say and hug him. "Mikey?". "Oh, is it okay if I call you that?". "Yeah sure" he smiles. We both get up and walk downstairs. I make us coffee and tea and he cooks some breakfast.

"Mikey". "Yeah?". I lean against the kitchen counter, "Did you really like that kiss yesterday? Or did you just say that to make me feel better?". He turns off the stove and turns to me. "If I didn't like it, would I do this?" he says then kisses me right on the lips. I kiss back, grabbing his face. He separates it and smiles, grabbing our plates and walking to the dining room table. I just stand there shocked, blushing crazy until I fully realise that he left. I grab our mugs and sit next to him.

"But- how did you know I liked the kiss?".  He laughs, "You're not the best at hiding your feelings". "What do you mean?". "It's pretty obvious, the way you blush, the way you cuddle close to me, the kiss yesterday and today..". I just look at him dumbfounded. "You tend to fall for guys easily huh?" he smiles. "Wait- Uhm- sometimes I guess?" I blush and look away embarrassed.

"Darling, I know you have feelings for me, you don't have to deny them"

I freeze.


Oh my god is it really that obvious?? Why do I fall so quickly?? Did he call me darling? Oh my god- "I know you've been through an abusive relationship, so I understand that you may need some time and that's also a reason why you're denying your feelings for me.. I totally understand and I'm willing to wait until you're ready..". "W-wait- are you saying you like me too?". He blushes and looks away, "Well, yes..". A bright smile covers my face, "I- oh god I didn't expect you to like me too- well, it's complicated..". "It's okay, sorry. I can wait until you're ready for another relationship". "..no". He looks at me confused while grabbing another bite of his food.

"I- I want to be with you-" I blurt out. "Really? But you don't have to, I don't want to force you into anything". "You're not forcing me, I want this, I just feel so safe and good here with you, like, it feels right. I've never felt this way before...". "Well, if you say so.. then I'll be your boyfriend and believe me when I say that I'll treat you the best way possible". I smile and blush, "Thank you Mikey, but there's one thing though..". "Anything". "Is it okay if we don't have sex yet? I don't feel well enough to do that yet...". "Yes of course! You don't need to worry about that, I won't lay a finger on you". "Thank you so much Mikey". "No problem, but we can hug and kiss right?". "Yes, that's okay" I smile at him. I can't be happier.

We put our plates in the sink and walk to the couch. He stops me and turns me around, I look up at him surprised, "I love you (y/n)" he says and locks our lips. I kiss back, my hands around his waist and his around mine. He separates it. I slowly open my eyes, looking up at his eyes, they're so beautiful. We both pant for air, "I love you too Michael..". "You're so pretty.. I can't believe I'm actually with a girl as beautiful as you". "Stop you're making me blush" I smile and look away nervously. "But I like when you blush, you look cute" he winks at me. Oh god if I could I'd just pass out on the floor right now. I blush and look down. I feel his fingers at my chin, lifting my face to look at him. Fuck he's so dominant- He's making me swoon.

"Hm, wanna go on a date with me? A small one? Like a picnic?". "Y-yes I'd love to". Gosh his gestures are making me so nervous. "Good, we'll go in the evening, so we can watch the sunset" he smiles. His hand moves away from my chin right after giving me another soft, short kiss on my lips. I love him so damn much already. Daniel could never.

Daniel. *flashbacks of Daniel hitting you*

I start breathing heavily and walk to the bathroom that's in my room. I lock the door. I look myself in the mirror. God I'm ugly. Michael really thinks I'm pretty?

I'm not pretty.

I look at my scars, my bruises.. How can he love me? Tears start rolling down my face. I'm ugly! I'm so fucking ugly! I hit my fist on the counter with frustration. I'm just not good enough! Why else would he have abused me?!

I open all the cabinets and find a pair of scissors. I'm worthless. I set the blade of the scissors on my wrists skin. Without hesitation I glide it along my skin. I sob, tears falling to the floor. My vision blurry. I cut my wrists, I don't stop. It feels like I deserve this. It's pleasing almost. I deserve this. Blood starts flowing out of the cuts on my arm. Fucking shit. I grab some toilet paper and press against it a bit. Shitty blood.

It stops bleeding. I put on a hoodie and wipe my tears. I take a deep breath and unlock the door. I walk into the corridor and see Mike. "Hey, everything alright?" he says looking worried. "Y-yeah I'm fine". He looks at me skeptical. "We both know you're not. What's wrong?" he says walking towards me and I shrug back. "Oh no..". He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the couch, we sit down. "Tell me please". He let's go of my arm and I lay my hand on it. Fuck that grip hurt because of my scars.

Mike looks down at my arm. He takes my hand and lifts the sleeve of my hoodie up carefully. "(Y/n)..". I can see tears forming in his eyes. He's, he's crying? "Why?" he sobs almost. I look away, "I- I don't know.. I thought of him again. I blame myself for all this". "..he's the problem, you have nothing to do with anything. You're perfect. You're a wonderful woman. The way he treated you was far more than just wrong". Tears start forming in my eyes again. He moves his head down to my arm. What is he doing? He kisses them. He kisses my scars. "Please, don't harm yourself for things you can't control. I love you, you're perfect.. you're perfect to me, in my eyes". I start crying and hug him tightly, "I- I'm sorry-" I sob into his chest. He hugs back, "Hey hey, it's okay, everything will be alright. I promise. I love you honey". "I love you too" I mumble into his chest.

He's so comforting. I love him so much. Now I feel bad for cutting though.. He stops hugging me and looks at me, wiping my tears away. "Honey, you know you're safe here, when I'm with you". I nod shyly. "Come with me" he says and gets up, grabbing my hand. I follow him and he takes me to his bathroom. He opens a cabinet and grabs bandages. "May I?" he says pointing at my injured arm. I nod yes and he carefully lifts my sleeve. He applies some lotion on my arm, which burns like hell. Then he carefully wraps a bandage around my arm. He's so caring.

Michael Jackson x abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now