8 Preparing Mentally

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-next day-

I run towards the kitchen, "Mike!". He jumps up and turns to look at me, "Yes?". "I just got an email saying that court is tomorrow!" I say excited but also a bit scared. "Great, that means you'll soon not see that idiot again" he smiles. He hands me a plate of food and we both sit down at the dining table.

I poke around in my food with a fork. "What's wrong? Do you not like it? I can make something else". "No it's not that, your food tastes amazing, but I'm just trying to prepare mentally for court..". "Oh.. Well, I know you'll win" he smiles. "Thanks but, I'll have to see him, what if he hits me again?". "He can't hit you, there's security in court". "Hmm, true.. But I'm just scared, what if he does win though?" I say taking a bite of my food. "I'm pretty sure you'll win, and if you don't then I'll stay by your side until he leaves you alone". I smile slightly, "Hey Mike?". "Hm?" he mumbles with food in his mouth. "Can you, join me in court? Uhm, h-holding your hand calms me down, that way I wouldn't be as nervous and scared.." I ask him blushing. "Sure, anything for you" he smiles.


Holy, that means I'll get to see him in a suit. Omg, he probably looks so good in a suit! "(Y/n)?". I shake my head, "Y-yes?". "May I ask what's going on in that head of yours?" he giggles. "I- uhm, I'm just thinking of what to wear tomorrow". "Oh right, when is court exactly? In the morning?". "Yes, in the email it says 9:30 am"."Ah, I'll get my clothes out then" he says and walks to his closet. He takes out a normal navy blue suit and lays it on his bed. "This should do". I get up and walk to my room, I grab a navy blue dress, along with a dark grey cardigan. I lay them on my bed.

I walk back to Michael's room, I knock on his door. "Come in!" he says, I open the door and walk in. "What's up?". "I just wanted to be with you" I smile. His face flushes slightly pink, "Aw, that's cute, come here" he smiles. I walk over to him and we hug each other, "Mhh, I've never felt so comfortable with anyone before, besides you" I mumble into his chest. "That makes me happy to hear, I'm glad such a sweet, beautiful woman like you feels comfortable with me" he smiles. "And you're so handsome.." I mumble quietly into his chest.

"What was that?". "I Uhm- N-nothing!" I bury my face into his chest again. "Thanks, I think you're very beautiful". I can feel his smile. I hug him tighter, "Mhh thank youuuu" I blush like hell, good thing he doesn't see my face right now. He giggles and lifts my chin up with his thumb, making me face him. The color of my face is probably about the same as a tomato right now. He gives me butterflies. "Hey, look at me with that pretty face of yours" he tells me softly and smiles. "Mh, I'm trying" I say nervously. "Let's cuddle on the bed and watch a movie? How's that sound?" he let's go and grabs a DVD. "Sure" I smile, still blushing and lay on his bed.

He puts in the DVD and lays down next to me. He reaches out his arm and I lay my head on it. I cuddle close to him, laying my hand on his chest, watching the movie. His hand (the one you're laying on) slowly brushes up and down the side of my shoulder. I lay one leg over his and hug him tightly.
The movie ends and I still cuddle with him. I sigh, "I love y- I mean! I love cuddling with you!" I look away embarrassed. He giggles slightly, "It's okay, I love cuddling with you too". I smile and squeeze him tight.

"Are you gonna- let me go?-". "No" I mumble. "Do you want to watch another movie with me?". "Yes". "Then I need to get up" he giggles nervously. "Hm" I let go of him and he quickly changes the DVDs. He jumps onto the bed again and lays next to me like before. We cuddle and watch the movie.

I think I do love him, maybe. But, I just met him like 1 or 2 weeks ago.. Hmm. I shouldn't fall for people this quickly. I sigh, but he's so nice to me, he cares for me and actually shows me affection. Not like Daniel at all. And there were countless times now where he could have raped me, but he didn't. It feels so right.. I've never felt this sure of anyone.

"Everything alright?" he asks. "Yes, I was just in my mind about things". "I see, are you nervous about tomorrow?". "Yes, very, especially because I have to see him again". "Hey, I'm with you so nothing's gonna happen". "I hope". "You'll win, I don't doubt it". I smile slightly.

-movie ends-

I sit up and Michael stretches. "That was a good movie". I nod, "Yes it really was". He sits up as well and grabs his phone, he sets an alarm and puts it on the bedside table again. "Okay, we have that, now.. Hey, what are you wearing tomorrow?". "I'll wear a navy blue dress and a dark grey cardigan, is that okay?". "Yeah, it totally is, wearing something like black is a definitely wrong, I'd not be surprised to see your ex wear black to be honest" he giggles. I giggle as well.

I lay back down on his bed and put the blanket over me. "Tired?" he smiles. "Mhm". "Well, you deserve some rest, you've got a big day tomorrow" he smiles again and gets up, "I'll be in the bathroom real quick". "Okay".

He comes back and carefully slips under the covers next to me and hugs me softly. "Good night (y/n)" he whispers. "Good night Mike".

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